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    • 副教授       硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 出生日期:1992-05-11
    • 毕业院校:名古屋大学(日本)
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:经济管理学院
    • 学科:交通运输规划与管理
    • 联系方式:Jiangbo_Wang@outlook.com
    • 电子邮箱:Jiangbo_Wang@dlut.edu.cn






    大连市引进高层次人才(青年才俊),大连市城市发展紧缺人才(五星级)。他已发表学术论文10余篇,获得软件著作权2项,其中SCI/SSCI收录论文10余篇,JCR Q1期刊论文6篇。担任该领域多个主流期刊(如Transportation Research Part A/D,Transportation, Sustainable Cities and Society, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment)审稿人。主要研究兴趣为交通行为分析、时空行为建模、共享交通系统分析、需求响应式出行和交通大数据挖掘与人工智能算法。


    (1) Jiangbo Wang; Toshiyuki Yamamoto; Kai Liu; Key determinants and heterogeneous frailties in passenger loyalty toward customized buses: An empirical investigation of the subscription termination hazard of users, Transportation Research Part CEmerging Technologies, 2020, 115:102636 (JCR Q1)

    (2) Jiangbo Wang; Xinyu (Jason) Cao; Kai Liu; De Wang; Exploring the nonlinear effects of built environment characteristics on customized bus service, Transportation Research Part DTransport and Environment, 2023, 114103523(JCR Q1)

    (3) Jiangbo Wang; Toshiyuki Yamamoto; Kai Liu; Spatial dependence and spillover effects in customized bus demand: Empirical evidence using spatial dynamic panel models, Transport Policy, 2021, 105166-180(JCR Q1)

    (4) Jiangbo Wang; Toshiyuki Yamamoto; Kai Liu; Exploring the subscribing behavior of customized bus passengers: Active users versus inactive users, Journal of Choice Modelling, 2022, 43100355(JCR Q1)

    (5) Jiangbo Wang; Kai Liu; Toshiyuki Yamamoto; De Wang; Guoxu Lu; Built environment as a precondition for demand-responsive transit (DRT) system survival: Evidence from an empirical study, Travel Behaviour and Society, 2023, 30271-280 (JCR Q2)

    (6) Jiangbo Wang; Toshiyuki Yamamoto; Kai Liu; Role of customized bus services in the transportation system: Insight from actual performance, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019, 2019:1-14 (JCR Q3)

    (7) Jiangbo Wang; Zhirui Lian; Chao Liu; Kai Liu; Iterated clustering optimization of the split-delivery vehicle routing problem considering passenger walking distance, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2023, 17:100751

    (8)  Wang, J., Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. (2017). Improving electricity consumption estimation for electric vehicles based on sparse GPS observations. Energies. (JCR Q3)

    (9) Wang, J., Liu, K., Yamamoto, T., Morikawa, T. (2017). Improving estimation accuracy for electric vehicle energy consumption considering the effects of ambient temperature. Energy Procedia. (EI)

            (10) Liu, K., Wang, J., Yamamoto, T., Morikawa, T. (2018). Exploring the interactive effects of ambient temperature and vehicle auxiliary loads on electric vehicle energy consumption. Appl. Energy.

            (11) Liu, K., Wang, J., Yamamoto, T., Morikawa, T. (2016). Modelling the multilevel structure and mixed effects of the factors influencing the energy consumption of electric vehicles. Appl. Energy.

            (12) 刘锴,王江波,陈晋. (2015): 基于多层混合效应的电动汽车能耗估计模型. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)

    (13) Zhiju Chen; Kai Liu; Jiangbo Wang; Toshiyuki Yamamoto; H-ConvLSTM-based bagging learning approach for ride-hailing demand prediction considering imbalance problems and sparse uncertainty, Transportation Research Part CEmerging Technologies, 2022, 140103709

    (14) Zheng Li; Kai Liu; Jiangbo Wang; Exploring observed and unobserved preference heterogeneity in choice behavior of demand responsive customized bus service, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2021, 147(1)5020038.1-5020038.7

    (15) Hong Gao; Ang Li; Jiangbo Wang; Kai Liu; Li Zhang; Design of an intelligent platoon transit system towards transportation electrification, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2022, 13(8)153-153

    (16) Yinghan Sun; Jiangbo Wang; Cheng Li; Kai Liu; Competitiveness evaluation of electric bus charging services based on analytic hierarchy process, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2022, 13(5)81-81



    Transportation Research Part A/D、Transport Policy、Transportation、Sustainable Cities and SocietySustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment等业内主流期刊审稿人



    Pricing Strategy Optimization of Demand-Responsive Commuter Buses Considering Passenger Loyalty Decay Characteristics--IMaSS joint usage/joint research program of Nagoya University,   Principle Investigator

    多层级网约出行需求特征识别与用户持续选择行为机理探究--大连理工大学引进人才专项, 主持人





    2014.9 -- 2017.6
    大连理工大学       交通运输规划管理       硕士

    2017.10 -- 2020.9
    名古屋大学(日本)       土木工程       博士


    2020.10 -- 至今

    大连理工大学建设工程学部      准聘助理教授