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Improved near field lithography with the assistance of a metallic nanostrip array


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2010-11-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



ISSN No.:2040-8978

Key Words:near field lithography; surface plasmons; metallic nanostrip array

Abstract:A way of improving near field lithography is proposed, using metallic nanostrips arranged right above the lithographic channels, between which a dielectric film is used, designed to support the strips and modulate the surface plasmon resonance at the metal/dielectric interface. The dependence of the light transmission in the channels on the properties of the strip array and dielectric film are studied numerically. The results show that the transmission is associated with the width of the strip, the permittivity of the film and the thicknesses of both. With the optimized structure, not only is transmission efficiency promoted, but also a uniform field distribution of good contrast at the channel exports can be obtained, which is beneficial to the lithography.

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