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Strong Squeezing of Duffing Oscillator in a Highly Dissipative Optomechanical Cavity System


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2020-04-01


Included Journals:SCIE



ISSN No.:0003-3804

Key Words:high dissipation; optomechanical system; strong mechanical squeezing

Abstract:In the conventional scheme of generating strong mechanical squeezing by the joint effect between mechanical parametric amplification and sideband cooling, the resolved sideband condition is required so as to overcome the quantum backaction heating. In the unresolved sideband regime, to suppress the quantum backaction, a chi((2)) nonlinear medium is introduced to the cavity. The result shows that the quantum backaction heating effect caused by unwanted counter-rotating term can be completely removed. Hence, the strong mechanical squeezing can be obtained even for the system far from the resolved-sideband regime.

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