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A Lifetime-Enhanced Data Collecting Scheme for the Internet of Things


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-11-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:132-137

ISSN No.:0163-6804

Abstract:A backpressure-based data collecting scheme has been applied in the Internet of Things, which can control the network congestion effectively and increase the network throughput. However, there is an obvious shortcoming in the traditional back-pressure data collecting scheme for the network service chain. It attempts to search all possible paths between source node and destination node in the networks, causing an unnecessary long path for data collection, which results in large end-to-end delay and redundant energy consumption. To address this shortcoming of backpressure data collecting scheme in the Internet of Things, this article proposes an energy-aware and distance-aware data collecting scheme to enhance the lifetime of backpressure-based data collecting schemes. We propose an energy-and distance-based model that combines the factors of queue backlog, hop counts, and residual energy for making routing decisions. It not only reduces the unnecessary energy consumption, but also balances the residual energy. The experiment results show that the proposed scheme can reduce unnecessary energy consumption and end-to-end delay compared to the traditional and LIFO-based schemes. Meanwhile, it balances the energy of nodes and extends the lifetime of an Internet of Things.

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