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A Local-Optimization Emergency Scheduling Scheme With Self-Recovery for a Smart Grid


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:3195-3205

ISSN No.:1551-3203

Key Words:Emergency information; local optimization; packet scheduling; smart grid

Abstract:With the widespread applications of Internet of Things (IoT), the emergency response performance for large-scale network packets is facing serious challenge, especially for renewable distributed energy resources monitoring in a smart grid. Therefore, how to improve the real-time performance of the emergency data packets has been a critical issue. Traditional packet scheduling schemes and topology optimization strategies are not suitable for a large-scale IoT-based smart grid. To address this problem, this paper proposes a new packet scheduling scheme named LOES, which first combines the priority-based packet scheduling scheme with local optimization. We exchange local geographic information to reduce the hop counts and distance between distributed source nodes and sink nodes. Each destination node determines the packet scheduling sequence according to the received emergency information. Finally, we compare LOES with first come first serve, multilevel scheme, and dynamic multilevel priority packet scheduling scheme using packet loss rate, packet waiting time, and average packet end-to-end delay as metrics. The simulation results show that LOES outperforms these previous scheduling schemes.

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