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Minimizing resource expenditure while maximizing destructiveness for node capture attacks


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2015-11-18

Included Journals:EI、Scopus


Page Number:403-416

Abstract:In node capture attacks, an attacker intellectually captures nodes and extracts cryptographic keys from their memories to wreck security, reliability and confidentiality of wireless sensor networks. Previous methods suffered from low attacking efficiency and neglected resource expenditure. A novel method of modeling the node capture attack is pro- posed aiming at maximizing destructiveness while minimizing resource expenditure. We convert routing paths into abstracted vertexes and formalize hybrid graph model for the network. A property called destructive value is defined for expressing the destructiveness of attacking a node. We develop a Greedy AttaCking algoRithm named GACR on the hybrid graph. An attacker is able to maximize the destructiveness of the attack while constructing the shortest Hamiltonian cycle to reduce resource expenditure. At last, extensive simulations are conducted to show the advantages of our scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that, GACR can reduce the attacking times, enhance the attacking efficiencies and save energy cost in compromising the network. ? Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.

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