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Contactless power transmission with the motor load


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-06-01

Journal:Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society

Included Journals:EI、PKU、ISTIC、Scopus


Page Number:16-24

ISSN No.:10006753

Abstract:Contactless power transmission technology has been developing rapidly since 2007, but study on contactless power transmission with the motor load is rare. Motor is a mechanical-electrical load with strong impose and large power ranging. Therefore, when supplying power for motor with contactless power transmission, power supply voltage will obviously fluctuate with the change of the motor running state. To solve this problem, this paper adapt LC compensation at transmitter terminal and series compensation at receiver terminal to keep the current of transmitter coil constant and to the voltage of receiver terminal stable. The method of LC/S parameter designing is given in this paper. Simulation and experiment platform have been set up. The processes of motor direct start and soft start are studied under the condition of LC/S compensation and SS compensation as comparing experiments. The result is that compared with the current before motor starting, the current of transmitter coil reduces by 6.03% and output voltage reduces by 22.48% with SS compensation; the current of transmitter coil reduces by 3.85% and the output voltage reduces by 12.9% with LC/S compensation. The result shows that LC/S compensation has better stability and impose resistance. This property is advantageous to widely application with the load like motor whose power is supplied contactlessly. ? 2016, The editorial office of Transaction of China Electrotechnical Society. All right reserved.

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