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Accounting for energy-related CO(2) emission in China, 1991-2006


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2009-03-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、SSCI



Page Number:767-773

ISSN No.:0301-4215

Key Words:Decomposition analysis; CO(2) emission; China

Abstract:As the country with the second largest emitter of energy-related CO(2) gas, China experienced a dramatic decline in CO(2) emission intensity from 1991 to 2000, but since then the rate of decline slowed and CO(2) emission intensity actually increased in 2003. In this paper, the complete decomposition method developed by Sun is used to analyze the nature of the factors that influence the changes in energy-related CO(2) emission and CO(2) emission intensity during the period 1991-2006. We find that: (1) energy intensity effect is confirmed as the dominant contributor to the decline in CO(2) emission and CO(2) emission intensity, (2) economic activity effect is the most important contributor to increased CO(2) emission, and (3) economic structure and CO(2) emission coefficient effects are found to contribute little to the changes in CO(2) emission and CO(2) emission intensity, which actually increased CO(2) emission and CO(2) emission intensity over the period 1991-2006 except for several years. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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