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Service science knowledge system bottom-up constructed closely with service industry


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-05-12

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:272-276

Abstract:Since service science is becoming more mature, many universities have now set up numbers of related courses. Service Science and Engineering Department, has some concrete teaching practice at School of Software, Dalian University of Technology. Our paper, analyses specific scientific knowledge systems for the integration of services in industry-specific systems, shows the new discipline will move to Financial Information Service when the service science is integrated into financial sectors, introduces a bachelor program of service science after presenting the relationship between service science and finance industry, analyses specific scientific knowledge systems for the integration of services in industry-specific systems, is to be expected that could establish knowledge system about finance industry on the basis of science-related courses which means that students in this program will take courses in two field, finance and service. ? 2010 IEEE.

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