
Personal Information

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Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main positions:Associate Professor of Institute of Operation and Logistics


Research Area

1.    Supply chain management.

2.    Complex system management.

3.    Manufacturing and operations management.

4.    Lean production management.


Education Background

2001.9-2004.3  Master Degree of Turbine automation in Dalian Maritime University.

2004.3-2008.8  Doctor Degree of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation in Dalian University of Technology.


Work Experience

2008.9-2013.12  Lecturer in Dalian University of Technology School of Management.

2013.12-Now  Associate Professor in Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology.

Research Area of Postgraduate

1. Modeling and optimization method for complex manufacturing system management process.

2. Interference management decision method for complex production process scheduling problem.

3. Optimal scheduling theory and method based on data and knowledge.

4. Application research of APS/ERP/MES system for complex equipment cloud manufacturing.

5. Cloud manufacturing and game theory research.

Educational Experience

2004.3 2008.8

  • 大连理工大学
  • 机械制造及其自动化
  • Doctoral Degree

2001.9 2004.3

  • 大连海事大学
  • 轮机自动化
  • Master's Degree

Work Experience

2013.12 Now
  • 大连理工大学管理与经济学部
  • 副教授
2008.9 2013.12
  • 大连理工大学管理学院
  • 讲师

Social Affiliations

Research Focus

  • 1、复杂系统管理; 2、运筹与运作管理; 3、精益生产管理