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Associate Professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


刘建军,硕士生导师,工业设计系。清华大学本科、德国杜伊斯堡埃森大学硕士、大连理工大学博士,中国致公党党员。社会兼职包括中国人类工效学会(设计工效学)会员、第20届国际人机交互大会DUXU(HCII2018)审稿人、CEB-ASC 中国建设文化艺术协会环境行为学会会员、辽宁省协会青年美术家会员




科研项目:先后主持国家社科基金、教育部青年基金以及2015、2021中央高校基本科研业务费。参加国防创新基金、自然科学基金以及省部级基金多项。先后发表A类、C刊、B类论文多篇 。




Educational Experience

2002.12 2007.5

  • 德国杜伊斯堡埃森大学
  • 工业设计
  • Master's Degree

1998.9 2002.9

  • 清华大学
  • 工业设计
  • Bachelor's Degree

1995.7 1998.9

  • 大连市75中

Work Experience

2008.4 Now
  • 大连理工大学
  • 高校教师

Social Affiliations

2021.1 Now

  • 中国人类工效学会(设计工效学)会员

Research Focus

  • Kansei engineering is a multidisciplinary research field integrating environmental psychology, sociology, human culture, design and other disciplines. It uses interdisciplinary research methods to study the research fields of coexistence between people and products, environment, behavior and products, places, psychology and products, and space.

  • The core value of interaction design is to guide the behavior of the target crowd through design to achieve design goals. The formation of psychological cognition depends on human experience, and when users see a product interface, they generate a cognition, thereby forming a potential expectation of the interface state. The ideal design can guide, constrain, and control users' cognition, and encourage them to develop reasonable operational behavior.

  • Pay attention to vulnerable groups and explore the interactive relationship between behavior, product facilities, and space. Concentrate elderly care resources to achieve efficient management. As an advanced online management tool, the smart elderly care platform utilizes science and technology to break traditional elderly care models and provide high-quality elderly care services.