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[3]王欢明. 东北地区海洋公共服务数字化治理研究.人社部,2024-2025.

[4]王欢明.面向绩效的市政公用事业网络策略与治理工具耦合机制研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71774023),2018.1-2021.12

[5]王欢明.城市定点类公共服务绩效提升机制研究:以公交服务为例. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71303028),2014.1-2016.12


[21]Wang, H., Zhang, S., and Ran, B.  Exploring the combinatorial effects of collaborative factors leading to higher degree of co-productionPublic Administration, 2024, accepted. (SSCI)

[20]Wang, H., and Ran, B.  How does citizen-centric co-production lead to value co-creation? A perspective of interactive governancePublic Management Review, 2024, onlinefirst. (SSCI)

[19]Wang, H., Sun, X., and Shi,Y.  Commercial investment in public-private partnerships: The impact of government characteristics. Local Government Studies, 2023, onlinefirst. (SSCI)

[18]WangH., Ran, B., and Li, Y. Street-level collaborative governance for urban regeneration: How were conflicts resolved at grassroot level? Journal of Urban Affairs, 2022, onlinefirst. (SSCI)

[17]WangH., and Ran, B. How business-related governance strategies impact paths towards the formation of global cities? An institutional embeddedness perspective. Land Use Policy, 2022, 118:106139. (SSCI)


[16] Wang, H., Qi, H., and Ran, B. Public-private collaborations led by private-sector in combating crises: Evidence from China's fighting against COVID-19. Administration & Society, 2022,54(1):3-28. (SSCI) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00953997211009890

[15]WangH.,  Chen, B., and Koppenjan, J. A refined experimentalist governance approach to incremental policy change: The case of process-tracing China’s central government infrastructure PPP policies between 1988 and 2017. Journal of Chinese Governance, 2022, 7(1):27-51. (SSCI) 


[14] Wang, H.,  and Ran, B. Network governance and collaborative governance: A thematic analysis on their similarities, differences, and entanglements. Public Management Reveiw, 2021, onlinefirst. (SSCI)


[13] Wang, H.,  Edelenbos, J., and Cheng, Z. Combining project and process management in PPP netowrk: Relationship between management style and outcome. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 2022, 81:320-342. (SSCI)


[12]WangH., Xiong, W., Yang, L.,  Zhu, D.and Cheng, Z. How does public-private collaboration reinvent? A comparative analysis of urban bicycle-sharing policy diffusion in China. Cities, 2020,96:1-10. (SSCI)


[11]WangH., Cheng, Z., and Zhu, D. Striving for global cities with governance approach in transitional China: Case study of Shanghai. Land Use Policy, 2020, 90:1-11. (SSCI)


[10]WangH., Liu, Y., Xiong, W., and Zhu, D. Government support programs and private investments in PPP market. International Public Management Journal, 2019,22(3):499-523. (SSCI)


[9]WangH., Liu, Y., Xiong, W., and Song, J. The moderating role of governance environment on the relationship between risk allocation and private investment in PPP markets: Evidence from developing countries. International Journal of Project Management, 2019, 37(1):117-130. (SSCI)


[8]WangH., Chen, B., Xiong, W., Yang, L., and Zhu, D. Multiple pathways to public-private partnerships for urban public service delivery. Urban Policy and Research, 2019, 39(4):474-488. (SSCI)


[7] WangH., and Ma, L. Ownership, corruption, and revenue regimes for infrastructure partnerships: Evidence from China. Utilities Policy, 2019, 60:1-10. (SSCI) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957178719300372

[6]WangH., Xiong, W., Wu, G., and Zhu, D. Public private partnership in Public Administration discipline: A literature review. Public Management Review, 2018, 20(2):293-316. (SSCI, ESI高被引文章) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14719037.2017.1313445

[5]WangH., Chen, B., Xiong, W., and Wu, G. Commercial investment in public private partnerships-The impact of contract characteristics. Policy & Politics, 2018, 46(4):589-606. SSCI)https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/tpp/pap/2018/00000046/00000004/art00004

[4]WangH., Mu, R., and Liu, S. The effects of privatisation on public service equity. Policy & Politics, 2018,46(3):427-443. SSCI


[3]WangH., Mu, R., and Liu, W. Privatization reversals of bus transport service: a case of Shanghai in China. Urban Policy and Research, 2018,36 (1):63-78. (SSCI) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08111146.2016.1221812

[2]WangH., Zhu, D., and Koppenjan, J. A research on relations between governance and efficiency in China urban bus transport service. Review of Managerial Science, 2015,9(4):661-680.  (SSCI)

[1]WangH., Zhu, D. Factors that impact bus transport satisfaction in Shanghai, China. ICE-Transport, 2014,167(3):185-193.  (SCI/SSCI) (2016年辽宁省自然科学学术成果三等奖)


[14]Cheng, Z., Zhu, Y., Wang, H., and Ke, Y.  Developing a suitability assessment model for public private partnerships: A case in urban China. Nature- Humanties and Social Sciences Communications, 2024, 11,1215.(SSCI)

[13]Li, Y., Koppenjan, J., and Wang, H. Individual, organizational, and institutional accountability: a systematic literature review in public administration

. Public Management Review, 2024, onlinefirst. (SSCI)

[12]Hu, Z., Wu, G., Wang, H., and Qiang, G. Dynamics in network governance of infrastructure public-private partnerships: Evidence from four municipalities in China. Public Management Review, 2023, onlinefirst. (SSCI)

[11]Xiong, W., Wang, H.*, Casady, C., & Han, Y. The impact of renegotiations on public values in public-private partnerships: A Delphi survey in China. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2022:04022040 (SSCI)

[10]Cheng, Z., Yan, S., Song, T., Cheng, L., & Wang, H.* Adaptive water governance research in social sciences journals: A bibliometric analysis. Water Policy, 2022, 24(12):1951-1970. (SSCI)

[9]Cheng, Z., Wang, H.*, Xiong, W., Zhu, D., & Cheng, L. Public-private partnership as a driver of sustainable development: Toward a conceptual framework of sustainability-oriented PPP. Environment Development and Sustainability, 2021, 23(1):1043-1063. (SSCI)

[8]Xiong, W., Chen, B., Wang, H.*, & Zhu, D. Governing public-private partnerships: A systematic review of case study literature. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 2019, 78:95-112. (SSCI)

[7]Mu, R., & Wang, H. A systematic literature review of open innovation in the public sector: Comparing barriers and governance strategies of digital and non-digital open innovation. Public Management Review, 2022, 24(4):489-511. (SSCI)

[6]Cheng, Z., Wang, N., Ouyang, R., Wang, H., Song, Z. A content analysis of the strictest water resources management policy in China. Water Economics and Policy, 2022, 8(2):2250011. (SSCI)

[5]Wang, N., Wang, W., Song, T., Wang, H., & Cheng, Z. A quantitative evaluation of water resource management policies in China based on the PMC index model. Water Policy, 2022, 24(12):1859-1875. (SSCI)

[4]Xiong, W., Chen, B., Wang, H., & Zhu, D. Public–private partnerships as a governance response to sustainable urbanization: lessons from China. Habitat International, 2020, 95:1-9. (SSCI)

[3]Xiong, W., Chen, B., Wang, H., & Zhu, D. Transaction hazards and governance mechanisms in public-private partnerships: A comparative study of two cases. Public Performance & Management Review, 2019, 42(6):1279-1304. (SSCI)

[2]Cheng, Z., Wang, H., Wang, L., & Lin, J. Mix leading to success? Exploring the innovative development model in peri-urban China. Habitat International, 2018,82:1-8. (SSCI)

[1]Xiong, W., Zhao, X., & Wang, H. Information asymmetry in renegotiation of public-private partnership projects. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2018, 32(4):04018028. (SSCI)








[9]王欢明,钟峥云. 多重嵌入:基层党建何以引领社区居家养老服务.中共天津市委党校学报2022(6):23-33.(北大核心)


[7]王欢明,刘梦凡. 基层党建何以引领公共服务合作生产以促进城市社区更新?—以老旧小区电梯加装为例广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2022,58(6):26-42.

[6]王盈盈,甘甜,王欢明. 多主体视阈下的PPP项目运作逻辑公共行政评论2021(5):3-22. (CSSCI)

[5]王欢明,陈佳璐. 地方政府治理体系对PPP落地率的影响研究,公共管理与政策评论20211):115-126. CSSCI

[4]王欢明.“一网通办”撬动城市治理现代化——评《“一网通办”:新时代的城市治理创新》,中国行政管理,20217):149-150. CSSCI

[3]李鹏,王欢明,马永驰. “互联网+政务服务”技术-制度网络及治理启示,中国行政管理20193):111-117. CSSCI

[2]王欢明,陈司.民生类公共服务支出的横向均等化测度及影响因素研究,大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)2019402):59-66. CSSCI





  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 社会治理与政策创新
  • 城市可持续发展治理
  • 基础设施与PPP(公私合作伙伴关系)

团队成员Research Group
