《Public Management Review》期刊 Associate Editor (2024.1—至今).
序号 |
课题名称 |
项目来源 |
批准 经费 |
批准 时间 |
1 |
公民参与生态环境治理的实践聚类、行为演化与靶向政策仿真 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
40 |
2025.01-2028.12 |
2 |
数字化转型背景下政府开放创新的府内适应与府外协调机制研究 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
48 |
2022.01-2025.12 |
3 |
城市群环境治理背景下网络不确定性与政府间协作机制研究 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
50 |
2018.01-2021.12 |
4 |
国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才 |
中组部人才计划项目 |
50 |
2019.03-2022.03 |
5 |
城市群协同发展背景下环境政策研究 |
辽宁省“兴辽英才”计划项目 |
50 |
2018.12-2021.12 |
序号 |
论文作者和名称 |
发表期刊和时间 |
1 |
Mu, Rui; Wang, Yuting. Behind the curtain: exploring the inter-governmental collaboration mechanisms for e-governance platforms. |
Journal of Organizational Change Management Early Access DOI: 10.1108/JOCM-01-2024-0026 |
2 |
Mu, Rui; Zhao, Xiaxia. How do institutional dimensions of open government data affect innovation? Evidence from research institutes in China. |
Aslib Journal of Information Management Early Access DOI: 10.1108/AJIM-07-2023-0243 |
3 |
Mu, Rui; Cui, Tie. Facilitating inter-municipal collaboration through mandated collaborative platform: evidence from regional environmental protection in China. |
Public Management Review 2024, 26(6), 1684-1705. |
4 |
Mu, Rui; Haershan, Maidina; Wu, Peiyi. What organizational conditions, in combination, drive technology enactment in government-led smart city projects? |
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2022, 174(January), 121220. |
5 |
Mu, Rui; de Jong, Martin; Koppenjan, Joop. Assessing and explaining interagency collaboration performance: a comparative case study of local governments in China. |
Public Management Review 2019, 21(4), 581-605. |
6 |
Mu, Rui; Wang, Huanming. A systematic literature review of open innovation in the public sector: comparing barriers and governance strategies of digital and non-digital open innovation. |
Public Management Review 2022, 24(4), 489-511. |
7 |
Mu, Rui; Wu, Peiyi; Haershan, Madina. Pre-contractual relational governance for public-private partnerships: how can ex-ante relational governance help formal contracting in smart city outsourcing projects? |
International Review of Administrative Sciences 2023, 89(1): 112-128. |
8 |
Mu, Rui; Li, Yan; Cui, Tie. Policy narrative, policy understanding and policy support intention: a survey experiment on energy conservation. |
Policy Studies 2022, 43(6): 1361-1381. |
9 |
母睿,郎梦. 共同生产视角下生活垃圾分类效果评价与政策驱动路径——基于中国中东部地区19个城市的模糊集定性比较分析. |
中国人口·资源与环境 2023, 33(9): 182-191. |
10 |
母睿, 贾俊婷. 李鹏. 城市群环境合作效果的影响因素研究——基于13个案例的模糊集定性比较分析. |
中国人口·资源与环境 2019, 29(8): 12-19. |