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性别: 女

毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 物理学院

学科: 等离子体物理

办公地点: 大连理工大学 科技园大厦C座 519

电子邮箱: yrzhang@dlut.edu.cn



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Effect of radio frequency bias on plasma characteristics of inductively coupled argon discharge based on fluid simulations*


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2021-02-02


卷号: 29

期号: 9

ISSN号: 1674-1056

关键字: fluid simulation; single; and dual-frequency bias power; plasma distribution

摘要: A fluid model is employed to investigate the effect of radio frequency bias on the behavior of an argon inductively coupled plasma (ICP). In particular, the effects of ICP source power, single-frequency bias power, and dual-frequency bias power on the characteristics of ICP are simulated at a fixed pressure of 30 mTorr (1 Torr = 1.33322 x 10(2)Pa). When the bias frequency is fixed at 27.12 MHz, the two-dimensional (2D) plasma density profile is significantly affected by the bias power at low ICP source power (e.g., 50 W), whereas it is weakly affected by the bias power at higher ICP source power (e.g., 100 W). When dual-frequency (27.12 MHz/2.26 MHz) bias is applied and the sum of bias powers is fixed at 500 W, a pronounced increase in the maximum argon ion density is observed with the increase of the bias power ratio in the absence of ICP source power. As the ratio of 27.12-MHz/2.26-MHz bias power decreases from 500 W/0 W to 0 W/500 W with the ICP source power fixed at 50 W, the plasma density profiles smoothly shifts from edge-high to center-high, and the effect of bias power on the plasma distribution becomes weaker with the bias power ratio decreasing. Besides, the axial ion flux at the substrate surface is characterized by a maximum at the edge of the substrate. When the ICP source power is higher, the 2D plasma density profiles, as well as the spatiotemporal and radial distributions of ion flux at the substrate surface are characterized by a peak in the reactor center, and the distributions of plasma parameters are negligibly affected by the dual-frequency bias power ratio.

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