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毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 物理学院

学科: 等离子体物理

电子邮箱: Fengchunlei@dlut.edu.cn



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The transport behaviour of OH radicals in atmospheric pressure surface micro-discharge


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2019-03-06


收录刊物: SCIE、Scopus

卷号: 52

期号: 10

ISSN号: 0022-3727

关键字: surface micro-discharge; plasma diagnostics; laser-induced fluorescence; hydroxyl radicals

摘要: This work presents the transport behaviour of OH radicals in an atmospheric pressure pulse-modulated surface micro-discharge in helium. Laser-induced fluorescence is employed to measure the time development of OH radicals density distribution during the pulse duration and the inter-pulse period. It is shown that convection caused by electrohydrodynamic force enhances and dominates the transport of OH radicals from the surface plasma layer to the afterglow region with a distance up to 8 mm away from the dielectric surface. Interestingly, after the plasma switches off, OH density decreases quickly near the electrode but the downstream distribution region keeps constant, showing that the impact of convection is still present during the post-discharge. Additionally, the propagation velocity of OH declines monotonously with time. The maximum value is estimated as 1.86 m s(-1) during the first 1 ms when the plasma is on. The influence of power delivered to plasma is investigated, and the results indicate that the OH density everywhere in the detection zone is directly proportional to the applied power. However, the input power has no significant influence on the propagation velocity and delivery distance, suggesting that it is unrealistic to increase the delivery distance of reactive species by increasing the power delivered to plasma.

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