大连理工大学  登录  English 

副教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师

主要任职: Vice-director of the Deep Underground Engineering Research Center

性别: 男

毕业院校: 新南威尔士大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 土木工程系

学科: 岩土工程

办公地点: 土木工程学院综合四号楼 335室

联系方式: 13478612856(微信同步)

电子邮箱: yingchun_li@dlut.edu.cn



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2007-2012中国矿业大学本硕,2012-2016澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士。2017年加入大连理工大学土木工程学院岩石破裂与失稳研究所。主要从事岩石力学在多前沿学科包括深地工程、地震机理和海洋工程的基础理论及相关应用研究。旨在通过室内实验,理论分析及数值模拟等研究方法揭示多尺度岩石物理力学行为。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、中国博士后基金第63批面上项目 、中国博士后基金第12批特别资助、海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室青年创新基金和大连理工大学启动基金等;并以课题骨干兼课题一联系人身份参加国家重点研发计划‘特大滑坡成因演变机理与快速防治岩土力学问题研究 ’和中国工程院重点咨询项目‘深地干热岩热能交换和输送理论与技术’。大连理工大学‘星海优青’和‘星海骨干’。2020年入选中国科协‘青年托举‘工程人才项目。以第一/通讯作者身份已在岩石力学领域国际顶级期刊 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Computers and Geotechnics, Renewable Energy等发表论文逾60篇,出版全英文专著《Shear Behaviour of Opened Rock Joints》一部。中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊-《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》(深地科学)青年编委成员。



[1] Yingchun Li*, Chun'an Tang, Danqi Li, Chuangzhou Wu, A new shear strength criterion of three-dimensional rock joints. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (If=4.1), pp.1-7, 2019.

[2] Yingchun Li*, Zhengzhao Liang, Chun’an Tang, Danqi Li, Chuangzhou Wu, Analytical modelling of the shear behaviour of rock joints with progressive degradation of two-order roughness, International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (IF=2.481), pp.1-17, 2019

[3] Qingyuan He, Yingchun Li*, Jinhai Xu, Chengguo Zhang, Prediction of mechanical properties of igneous rocks under comibined compression and shear loading conditions through statistical analysis, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=4.1), pp.1-19, 2019

[4] Yingchun Li, Wei Wu, Chun’an Tang, Bo Liu, Predicting the shear characteristics of rock joints with asperity degradation and debris backfilling under cyclic loading conditions, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (IF=3.78), Vol. 120, pp.108-118, 2019

[5] Yingchun Li*, Shengyue Sun, Chun’an Tang, Analytical prediction of the shear behaviour of rock joints with quantified waviness and unevenness through wavelet analysis, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=4.1), pp.1-13, 2019

[6] Qingyuan He, Yingchun Li*, Sa She, Mechanical properties of basalt specimens under combined compression and shear loading at low strain rates, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=4.1), pp.1-12, 2019

[7] Yingchun Li*, Analytical examination for the stability of a competent stratum and implications for longwall coal mining, Energy Science and Engineering (IF=2.893), Vol. 7, pp. 469-477, 2019

[8] Yingchun Li*, Prediction of the shear failure of opened rock fractures and implications for rock slope stability evaluation, Advances in Civil Engineering (IF=1.104), 2019 (6760756), pp. 1-7, 2019

[9] Yingchun Li, Wei Wu, Bo Li, An analytical model for two-order asperity degradation of rock joints under constant normal stiffness conditions, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=4.1), Vol. 51, pp.1431-1445, 2018

[10] Joung Oh, Yingchun Li*, Rudrajit Mitra, Ismet Canbulat, A numerical study on dilation of a saw-toothed rock joint under direct shear, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=4.1), Vol. 50, pp.913-925, 2016

[11] Yingchun Li, Joung Oh, Rudrajit Mitra, Ismet Canbulat, Bruce Hebblewhite, Applicability of a joint constitutive model: correlation with field observations. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 13(4), pp.299-315, 2017

[12] Yingchun Li, Joung Oh, Rudrajit Mitra, Ismet Canbulat, A fractal model for large-scale opened rock joints, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=4.1), Vol. 50, pp. 913-925, 2016

[13] Yingchun Li, Joung Oh, Rudrajit Mitra, Bruce Hebblewhite, A constitutive model of a rock joint with multi-scale asperity degradation, Computers and Geotechnics (IF=3.345), Vol. 72, pp. 143-151, 2016

[14] Yingchun Li, Joung Oh, Rudrajit Mitra, Bruce Hebblewhite, Experimental studies on the mechanical behaviour of rock joints with various openings, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=4.1), 49(3), pp. 837-853, 2015


2012.7 - 2016.12 新南威尔士大学   采矿工程   博士

2011.9 - 2012.7 中国矿业大学   采矿工程

2007.9 - 2011.6 中国矿业大学   采矿工程   学士


2020.12 - 至今 大连理工大学   副教授

2020.3 - 至今  

学术编辑(Advances in Civil Engineering)

2020.1 - 2020.11  

特邀副主编(Advances in Civil Engineering)

2020.1 - 2020.11  


2020.1 - 至今  




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