Weng Zhihuan

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Title : 高分子材料教研室副主任,高分子材料系教工党支部副书记


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:Department of Polymer Science & Materials

Discipline:Polymer Materials. Polymer Chemistry and Physics

Business Address:化工实验楼A402-2

Contact Information:0411-84986107


Educational Experience

2003.9 -- 2008.6

Dalian University of Technology       Department of Polymer Science & Materials       Ph.D

1999.9 -- 2003.6

Dalian University of Technology       Department of Chemical Engineering       B.S

Research Focus


Design and preparation of high performance biomass based polymer

Study of low temperature curing for high performance thermosetting

Preparation of high additional value biomass based chemicals

Work Experience

2020.12 -- Now

大连理工大学化工学院      教授

2015.1 -- Now

Dalian University of Technology      副教授

2011.4 -- 2015.1

University of California, Riverside      博士后

2009.4 -- 2011.3

The Univeristy of Electro-Communications      博士后

2008.9 -- 2009.3

The University of Tokyo      博士后


国家“十四五”重点研发计划重点专项指南编制和总体专家组成员。首批教育部“全国高校黄大年式教师团队”、科技部“重点领域创新团队”、辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”高水平创新创业团队核心成员。《石油化工高等学校学报》期刊编委,《精细化工》期刊青年编委,“辽宁省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师”,大连市高端人才。于大连理工大学高分子材料系取得博士学位(导师:蹇锡高院士),先后在日本东京大学、电气通信大学和美国加州大学河滨分校进行博士后研究工作,2015年回到母校工作。主要研究方向为高性能可持续高分子材料的设计与开发,包括基于可再生资源的高性能绿色(生物基)高分子材料制备、高分子材料的循环回收再利用和耐高温功能薄膜材料设计等。主持包括重点研发项目课题、国家重大科技项目课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、辽宁省自然科学基金等10余个纵向项目;承担包括国家重点研发计划、石油化工联合基金重点支持项目、中国工程院咨询研究项目、国际合作项目及其他企事业委托等多个项目。获第八届中国创新挑战赛(大连)现场赛创新奖。入现职以来以第一/通讯作者在Nat. Commun., Macromolecules, ACS Catal., J. Mater. Chem. A, Chem. Eng. J., Carbon, Polym. Chem., Compos. Part B-Eng. 等相关领域Top期刊发表80余篇学术论文,授权专利22项,撰写中文/英文专著3/2章。指导的研究生共获各级奖励及荣誉称号40余人次,包括“优秀研究生”荣誉称号、“国家奖学金”、校“优秀博士论文单项奖学金”、校博士”学术之星“、“校优秀毕业生”、“辽宁省优秀毕业生”、“校优秀博士学位论文”、“校优秀硕士学位论文“、“辽宁省优秀硕士学位论文”、“化学化工与材料京博优秀博士论文提名奖”、“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛辽宁省金奖和中国国际大学生创新大赛辽宁省金奖等。毕业生已签约陶氏化学和OPPO等知名企事业单位。


l Qianqian Fan, Jiahui Li, Qi Cao, Chengwen Gu, Qian Liu, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*.Bio-based liquid crystal epoxy Resins: Toughening and strengthening of conventional epoxy resins with strategically extended spacer layers. Composites Communications, 2024, 51: 102068.

l  Beitao Liu, Cijian Zhang, Jiahui Li, Guangsheng Zhang, Xigao Jian*, Zhihuan Weng*.Upcyclable thermosetting photopolymer containing degradable sulfite bonds for sustainable 3D printing. Science China Materials, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40843-024-3113-2

l  Beitao Liu, Jiahui Li, Cijian Zhang, Yibo Wang, Xigao Jian*, Zhihuan Weng*. "Polymer to polymer" recycling and body-temperature triggered shape memory of carvone-based epoxy thermoset system achieved by thiol-Michael covalent adaptable network. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12: 25264.

l Qingyun Lu, Hongwei Gu, Jiahui Li, Qianqian Fan, Beitao Liu, Yan Kou*, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Unleashing the power of bio-based thermotropic liquid crystal modifiers: Toughening and reinforcing petroleum-based epoxy resin without compromising other properties. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2024, 42: 1093-1102.

l Chengwen Gu, Jiahui Li, Yi Zhao, Cijian Zhang, Qianqian Fan, Qian Liu, Shouhai Zhang, Yunhe Zhang*, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Enhanced high-temperature capacitive performance through introduction of polar groups in poly(aryl ether ketone) dielectric polymer, Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 95: 112570.

l Yi Zhao, Jiahui Li, Lina Liu, Beitao Liu, Chengwen Gu, Shouhai Zhang, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Investigation of ffame-retardant characteristics of a polyaryl ether containing phthalazinone moiety, Polymer Testing, 2024, 135: 108473.

l Yu Zhang, Xiaoliang An, Gang Zhao, Hang Jia, Yue Qiao, Hongjian Gu, Xi Chen, Wenqi Zhao, Yousi Chen, Xigao Jian, Cheng Liu*, Zhihuan Weng*. Multi-scale “core-sheath” structure of electrospun veils to enhance the interlaminar fracture toughness and in-plane properties of CF/poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) laminates. Composites Science and Technology, 2024, 252: 110612

l Cijian Zhang, Yining Wang, Qian Liu, Yousi Chen, Shouhai Zhang, Yan Kou*, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Biomimetic polyaryl ether-based aerogels for efficient interfacial solar water vapor generation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 489: 151247.

l Jiahui Li, Qi Cao, Yi Zhao, Chengwen Gu, Beitao Liu, Qianqian Fan, Cijian Zhang, Yu Huang, Shuzi Jiang, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Bio-based flame retardant for manufacturing fire safety, strong yet tough versatile epoxy resin via in-situ constructive phase separation. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024, 276: 111362.

l Yifan Li, Jiahui Li, Wenhao Zhang, Qiyun Lin, Lingcheng Chen*, Zhihuan Weng*, Yi Xiao*. Rigid and crosslinkable polyimide curing epoxy resin with enhanced comprehensive performances. Polymer, 2024, 297: 126836.

l Qi Cao#, Jiahui Li#, Qianqian Fan, Beitao Liu, Yan Kou*, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Flame retardant behavior of bio-based epoxy resin bearing pyridazinone and dynamic ester bond via self-blow-out and vesicular carbon formation. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2024, 222: 110707.

l Chengwen Gu, Fanchen Sun, Qitong Wang, Jiahui Li, Yi Zhao, Yunhe Zhang*, Shouhai Zhang, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Engineering poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone) dielectric film for stable high-temperature capacitive energy storage. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62: 22131-22140. (Supplementary Cover)

l  Yu Qi#, Qianqian Fan#, Jiahui Li,  Qi Cao, Xiaotong Pan, Yuxi Pan*, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Toughened and reinforced the petroleum-based epoxy resin via thermotropic liquid crystal bio-based counterpart. Composites Communications, 2023, 44: 101771.

l  Cijian Zhang#, Shicong Song#, Qi Cao, Jiahui Li, Qian Liu, Shouhai Zhang, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Improving the comprehensive properties of chitosan-based thermal insulation aerogels by introducing a biobased epoxy thermoset to form an anisotropic honeycomb-layered structure. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 246: 125616. 

l  Jiahui Li#, Haiyang Zhao#, Qi Cao, Wenguang Zeng, Jiangjiang Zhang, Yujie Guo, Yi Zhao, Xigao Jian*, Zhihuan Weng*. Synthesis of Cyano-containing Epoxy Precursor from Vanillin for Engineering Multifaceted Performance-enhancing Resins. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11(26): 9528-9536. (Supplementary Cover)

l  Qi Cao#, Haiyang Zhao#, Jiahui Li, Yujie Guo, Wenguang Zeng, Jiangjiang Zhang, Zhiyong Wei, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. The synergistic effect of biphenyl structure and N element in flame retardant and high value-added recycling of bio-based epoxy resin. Polymer degradation and stability, 2023, 212: 110424.

l  Qi Cao, Jiahui Li, Beitao Liu, Yi Zhao, Jing Zhao, Hongwei Gu, Zhiyong Wei, Fei Li, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Toward versatile bio-based epoxy vitrimers by introducing aromatic N-heterocycles with stiff and flexible segments. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 469: 143702.

l  Hongwei Gu, Qi Cao, Jiahui Li, Jing Zhao, Shouhai Zhang, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Enhancing the comprehensive performance of bisphenol A epoxy resin via blending with a bio-based counterpart. Polymer, 2023, 280: 126038.

l  Beitao Liu, Qi Cao, Jiahui Li, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Facile recycling of anhydride-cured epoxy thermoset under mild conditions with multifunctional hydrazine hydrate. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023, 34: 108465.

l  Qi Cao, Jiahui Li, Yu Qi, Shouhai Zhang, Jinyan Wang, Zhiyong Wei, Hongchang Pang, Xigao Jian, Zhihuan Weng*. Engineering double load-sharing network in thermosetting: Much more than just toughening. Macromolecules, 2022, 55(21): 9502-9512.

l  Jiahui Li, Zhihuan Weng*, Qi Cao, Yu Qi, Bowen Lu, Shouhai Zhang, Jinyan Wang, Xigao Jian. Synthesis of an aromatic amine derived from biomass and its use as a feedstock for versatile epoxy thermoset. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 134512.

l  Qi Cao, Zhihuan Weng*, Yu Qi, Jiahui Li, Wentao Liu, Chengde Liu, Shouhai Zhang, Zhiyong Wei, Yousi Chen, Xigao Jian. Achieving higher performances without an external curing agent in natural magnolol-based epoxy resin. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, 33(4): 2195-2199.

l  Zhihuan Weng*, Lequn Song, Yu Qi, Jiahui Li, Qi Cao, Cheng Liu, Shouhai Zhang, Jinyan Wang, Xigao Jian. Natural magnolol derivatives as platform chemicals for bio-based phthalonitrile thermoset: Achieving high performances without an external curing agent. Polymer, 2021, 226: 123814.

l  Yu Qi, Zhihuan Weng*, Yan Kou, Jiahui Li, Qi Cao, Jinyan Wang, Shouhai Zhang, Xigao Jian. Facile synthesis of bio-based tetra-functional epoxy resin and its potential application as high-performance composite resin matrix. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 214: 108749.

l  Yu Qi, Zhihuan Weng*, Yan Kou, Lequn Song, Jiahui Li, Jinyan Wang, Shouhai Zhang, Cheng Liu, Xigao Jian. Synthesize and introduce bio-based aromatic s-triazine in epoxy resin: Enabling extremely high thermal stability, mechanical properties, and flame retardancy to achieve high-performance sustainable polymers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406: 126881. (高被引论文)

l  Yu Qi, Zhihuan Weng*, Kewen Zhang, Jinyan Wang, Shouhai Zhang, Cheng Liu, Xigao Jian. Magnolol-based bio-epoxy resin with acceptable glass transition temperature, processability and flame retardancy. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 387: 124115. (高被引论文)

l  Zhihuan Weng*, Kewen Zhang, Yu Qi, Tianpeng Zhang, Miao Xia, Fangyuan Hu, Shouhai Zhang, Cheng Liu, Jinyan Wang, Xigao Jian. Scalable fabrication of heteroatom-doped versatile hierarchical porous carbons with an all-in-one phthalonitrile precursor and their applications. Carbon, 2020, 159: 495-503 (Cover).

l  Yu Qi, Jinyan Wang, Yan Kou, Hongchang Pang, Shouhai Zhang, Nan Li, Cheng Liu, Zhihuan Weng*, Xigao Jian. Synthesis of an aromatic N-heterocycle derived from biomass and its use as a polymer feedstock. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 2107.