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Dr. Chen obtained the Doctor Degree of Engineering in 2009 from School of Energy and Power Engineering of Dalian University of Technology. After graduation, he worked in Dalian University of Technology as a lecturer. He became an associate Professor in 2012. In 2013, he moved to Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as a visiting scientist and returned to Dalian University of Technology one year later. Currently, Dr. Cong Chen is a Professor and vice president of School of Energy and Power Engineering at Dalian University of Technology, leader of the Center for Multi-scale Control of CO2 Sequestration, and Director of DLUT-PAPRSDL Advanced Refrigeration Technology Joint Research and Development Center. His research interests include multi-scale control of CCUS from molecular to field scale, oil/gas transportation safety assurance, and hydrogen liquefaction, transportation and storage. He is the PI of several research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education, the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, Key Laboratory of Ocean Energy Utilization and Conservation and Dalian University of Technology. Dr. Chen is currently members of Geochemistry Society, American Geophysical Union, World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies, American Chemical Society and Mineralogical Society of America. He is winner of Invited Lecture under Advanced Materials Award of 2022. He serves as editor in Current Physics, editorial board member in Liquids, guest editor of Molecular Simulation, Convenor of Goldschmidt series conferences, member of IEECP22 technical program committee, and member of ISPEE2023 organizing committee. He is the reviewer of several peer-reviewed journals, such as The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Journal of Molecular Liquids and Energy & Fuels, et al.
Dalian University of Technology  Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering  Doctoral Degree
Dalian University of Technology  Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering  Master's Degree
Dalian University of Technology  Refrigeration and cryogenic engineering  Bachelor's Degree
Dalian University of Technology School of Energy and Power Engineering
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Earth Science Division Visiting Scientist