Associate Professor


Alma Mater:东北财经大学


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董清利,大连理工大学金融与会计研究所讲师。2014年获中国矿业大学理学院数学与应用数学专业学士学位,2019年获东北财经大学统计学院统计学博士学位,加拿大女王大学(Queen's University)联合培养博士研究生。




[1] 国家社会科学基金青年项目、全国哲学社会科学工作办公室,关联网络视角下中国碳市场价格相依性风险的统计测度研究,2021-2024年,项目负责

[2] 辽宁省哲学社会科学规划基金项目、辽宁社会科学规划基金办公室,中小企业信用风险生存分析预警研究,2020-2022年,项目负责

[3] 大连市社科院、基地项目,“十四五”时期环境约束推动产业平稳、绿色低碳发展的机制与路径研究,2021-2022年,项目负责

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然基金委,大数据环境下的企业违约预警研究:基于参数优化的视角,2021-2024年,项目参与

[5] 大连理工大学基本科研业务费项目,时变生存理论在信用风险评价中的应用研究,2019-2021年,项目主持,结项


[1].  Dong Q, Lian L, Jiang Q. Risk spillover measurement of carbon trading market considering susceptible factors: A network perspective[J]. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2024.

[2].  Jiang, P., Liu, Z., Abedin, M. Z., Wang, J., Yang, W., & Dong, Q. (2024). Profit-driven weighted classifier with interpretable ability for customer churn prediction. Omega, 125, 103034.

[3].  Dong Q, Zhao Y, Ma X, et al. Risk spillover between carbon markets and stock markets from a progressive perspective: Measurements, spillover networks, and driving factors[J]. Energy Economics, 2023: 107228.

[4].  Dong, Qingli, Da Huo, and Kaiyao Wang. Risk measurement and application of the international carbon market in the era of global conflict: A data-driven study using FCM[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 342: 118251.

[5].  Dong, Qingli, and Guotai Chi. Small and medium-sized enterprises' time to default: an analysis using an improved mixture cure model with time-varying covariates. Journal of Credit Risk 19.2 (2022).

[6].  Dong, Qingli, Yingwei Peng, and Peizhi Li. Time to delisted status for listed firms in Chinese stock markets: An analysis using a mixture cure model with time-varying covariates. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2021): 1-12. SCI&SSCI, TOP10, IF: 2.86

[7].  Dong, Qingli, and Xuejiao Ma. Enhanced fuzzy time series forecasting model based on hesitant differential fuzzy sets and error learning. Expert Systems with Applications 166 (2021): 114056. SCI&SSCI, TOP10, IF: 6.954

[8].  Zhu, Lin, Jian Luo, Qingli Dong, Yang Zhao, Yunyue Wang, and Yong Wang. Green technology innovation efficiency of energy-intensive industries in China from the perspective of shared resources: Dynamic change and improvement path. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170 (2021): 120890. SCI&SSCI, TOP10, IF:8.593

[9].  Zhao, Y., Goodell, J. W., Dong, Q., Wang, Y., & Abedin, M. Z. (2022). Overcoming spatial stratification of fintech inclusion: Inferences from across Chinese provinces to guide policy makers. International Review of Financial Analysis, 84, 102411.

[10].  Li, Peizhi, Yingwei Peng, Ping Jiang, and Qingli Dong. A support vector machine based semiparametric mixture cure model. Computational Statistics 35, no. 3 (2020): 931-945. SCI&SSCI, IF:1.0

[11].  李培志, 董清利. 基于网络搜索数据和机器学习的票房预测模型. 运筹与管理, 30(11), 168-175. CSSCI, IF: 1.923


目前,担任《Journal of the Operational Research Society》、《Expert Systems With Application》、《Computational Statistics》、《Applied Soft Computing》、《运筹与管理》、《Knowledge based System》等多个国内外期刊审稿人。

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