董清利,大连理工大学金融与会计研究所副教授。2014年获中国矿业大学理学院数学与应用数学专业学士学位,2019年获东北财经大学统计学院统计学博士学位,加拿大女王大学(Queen's University)联合培养博士研究生。
Lian L, Zhao D, Dong Q. Fund Holdings and Real Earnings Management: An Empirical Analysis of the Chinese A-share Market[J]. Heliyon, 2024.
Dong Q, Lian L, Jiang Q. Risk spillover measurement of carbon trading market considering susceptible factors: A network perspective[J]. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2024. TOP10.
Jiang, P., Liu, Z., Abedin, M. Z., Wang, J., Yang, W., & Dong, Q. (2024). Profit-driven weighted classifier with interpretable ability for customer churn prediction. Omega, 125, 103034. TOP10.
Dong Q, Zhao Y, Ma X, et al. Risk spillover between carbon markets and stock markets from a progressive perspective: Measurements, spillover networks, and driving factors[J]. Energy Economics, 2023: 107228. TOP10.
Dong, Qingli, Da Huo, and Kaiyao Wang. Risk measurement and application of the international carbon market in the era of global conflict: A data-driven study using FCM[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 342: 118251. TOP10.
Dong, Qingli, and Guotai Chi. Small and medium-sized enterprises' time to default: an analysis using an improved mixture cure model with time-varying covariates. Journal of Credit Risk 19.2 (2022).
Dong, Qingli, Yingwei Peng, and Peizhi Li. Time to delisted status for listed firms in Chinese stock markets: An analysis using a mixture cure model with time-varying covariates. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2021): 1-12. SCI&SSCI, TOP10, IF: 2.86
Dong, Qingli, and Xuejiao Ma. Enhanced fuzzy time series forecasting model based on hesitant differential fuzzy sets and error learning. Expert Systems with Applications 166 (2021): 114056. SCI&SSCI, TOP10, IF: 6.954
Zhu, Lin, Jian Luo, Qingli Dong, Yang Zhao, Yunyue Wang, and Yong Wang. Green technology innovation efficiency of energy-intensive industries in China from the perspective of shared resources: Dynamic change and improvement path. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170 (2021): 120890. SCI&SSCI, TOP10, IF:8.593
Zhao, Y., Goodell, J. W., Dong, Q., Wang, Y., & Abedin, M. Z. (2022). Overcoming spatial stratification of fintech inclusion: Inferences from across Chinese provinces to guide policy makers. International Review of Financial Analysis, 84, 102411. TOP10.
Li, Peizhi, Yingwei Peng, Ping Jiang, and Qingli Dong. A support vector machine based semiparametric mixture cure model. Computational Statistics 35, no. 3 (2020): 931-945. SCI&SSCI, IF:1.0
李培志, 董清利. 基于网络搜索数据和机器学习的票房预测模型. 运筹与管理, 30(11), 168-175. CSSCI, IF: 1.923
辽宁省会计与珠算心算学会会员。目前,担任《Journal of the Operational Research Society》、《Expert Systems With Application》、《Computational Statistics》、《Applied Soft Computing》、《运筹与管理》、《Knowledge based System》等多个国内外期刊外审专家。
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