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Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main positions:Professor


Lu Huchuan, Professor and PhD supervisor of School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Senior Member of IEEE and ACM, Associate editor of IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics. He received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Dalian University of Technology in 1995 and the M.Sc degree in signal and information processing from Dalian University of Technology in 1998. Since then, he has been teaching in the Department of Electronic Engineering. In 2008, he received his Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering from Dalian University of Technology. In 2012, he began teaching as a full-time professor. During this period, he has ever visited Ritsumeikan University of Japan,Hong Kong Polytechnic University and National University of Singapore. In recent years, he is mainly engaged in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning, presided over a number of National Natural Science Fund projects, and he has published more than 150 international journals and conference papers, including 20+ CVPR/ICCV/ECCV. He got ICCV2011 Most Remembered Poster,ICIP2012 Best Student Paper Award Finalist, IET Image Processing Best Paper Award respectively, His Google Scholar Citation is more than 4200 times.

Educational Experience

1990.9 1995.7

  • 大连理工大学
  • 无线电技术
  • Bachelor's Degree

Work ExperienceMore>>

2011.12 Now
  • 大连理工大学电信学部
  • 教授
2006.5 2011.12
  • 大连理工大学电信学部
  • 副教授
2001.3 2006.12
  • 大连理工大学电信学院
  • 讲师

Social Affiliations

Research Focus

  • 计算机视觉
  • 图像处理
  • 模式识别