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Modular gateway-ness connectivity and structural core organization in maritime network science

Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2020-12-29




ISSN No.:2041-1723

Abstract:Around 80% of global trade by volume is transported by sea, and thus the maritime transportation system is fundamental to the world economy. To better exploit new international shipping routes, we need to understand the current ones and their complex systems association with international trade. We investigate the structure of the global liner shipping network (GLSN), finding it is an economic small-world network with a trade-off between high transportation efficiency and low wiring cost. To enhance understanding of this trade-off, we examine the modular segregation of the GLSN; we study provincial-, connector-hub ports and propose the definition of gateway-hub ports, using three respective structural measures. The gateway-hub structural-core organization seems a salient property of the GLSN, which proves importantly associated to network integration and function in realizing the cargo transportation of international trade. This finding offers new insights into the GLSN's structural organization complexity and its relevance to international trade. It is crucial to understand the evolving structure of global liner shipping system. Here the authors unveiled the architecture of a recent global liner shipping network (GLSN) and show that the structure of global liner shipping system has evolved to be self-organized with a trade-off between high transportation efficiency and low wiring cost and ports' gateway-ness is most highly associated with ports' economic performance.

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Management Science and Engineering. Systems Engineering

Business Address:经济管理学院D533

Contact Information:hxxia(at)dlut(dot)edu(dot)cn 电话:0411-84706689


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