Li Tao

Associate Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:Harbin Institute of Technology

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:School of Mechanical Engineering

Discipline:Mechanical Design and Theory. Industrial Engineering. Mechanical Manufacture and Automation

Business Address:8027 room, School of Mechanical Engineering building

Contact Information:18941330991

Student Information


Student ID:21904142

Major:Mechanical Design and Theory

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

Degree:Master's Degree

Current Status:At School

Date of Registration:2019-09-01

Pre One:曹铭

Next One:丁永新


Ph.D, associate professor, doctoral supervisor, graduated from Harbin Institute of technology, mainly engaged in product sustainability evaluation methods, laser repair technology, mechanical equipment energy consumption analysis and evaluation, enterprise information technology development and application. Reviewers of many domestic and foreign journals in related fields, presided over or participated in more than 20 projects of national key research and development plan, national 973 program, national Natural Science Foundation of China and enterprises, and published more than 100 papers. Ph.D Li has trained or assisted in the training of more than 50 doctoral and master degree students.