Bo Lu

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Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Other Post:辽宁省青年联合会副主席


        Lu Wei, a professor at the School of Economics and Management of Dalian University of Technology, a master's tutor, has been engaged in research and teaching in the field of port logistics for more than 10 years. He has a research experience as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and a visiting scholar at the University of Liverpool. In the past five years, he has mainly carried out research work on port production and management and port economy. He has presided over 6 national natural science funds; 36 major projects in various fields such as Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Liaoning Province and Dalian City. The research results of “Green Port Low-carbon Operation Technology Application” led by the team have been applied in practice, bringing direct economic benefits to related enterprises totaling 124 million yuan. He has published 51 academic papers, including 30 articles in SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI, 2 in English in Springer, and 1 in Chinese. Apply for 24 national invention patents. Received the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in 2018 (the first person to complete), the second prize of the 6th Philosophy and Social Science Achievements of Liaoning Province (the first completion person), and the 16th Social Science Progress II of Dalian The third prize of the first prize (the first person to complete) and the outstanding achievements in education and scientific research in Liaoning Province. He has been awarded the title of “Excellent Science and Technology Workers in Liaoning Province, “Ten Thousand High-end Talents” in Liaoning Province, Liaoning University Innovative Talent Support Program, Liaoning University Outstanding Youth Growth Plan, and Dalian Science and Technology Star. He is currently the vice chairman of the China Shipping Law and Economic Mathematical Research Association, the vice chairman of the Shipbuilding Economic Committee of the China Society of Systems Engineering, the vice chairman of the China Society of Systems Engineering, the director of the China Logistics Society, and the special researcher. He is also a member of the Dalian Municipal Political Consultative Conference. Member of the Dalian Municipal Committee of the Revolutionary Committee, director of the Political Commissar of the Political Consultative Conference, member of the Dalian Youth League, and members of the Political Consultative Conference of Xigang District of Dalian.

Educational ExperienceMore>>

1999.9 2002.7

  • 辽宁师范大学附属中学

2002.9 2006.7

  • 哈尔滨工业大学
  • 国际经济与贸易
  • Bachelor's Degree

2006.9 2008.8

  • 韩国东明大学
  • 流通经营
  • Master's Degree

Work Experience

2013.7 2016.6
  • 中国科学院大学 经济与管理学院
  • 博士后
2017.4 2018.3
  • 英国利物浦大学 管理学院
  • 访问学者
2021.12 Now
  • 大连理工大学 经济管理学院
  • 教授

Social Affiliations

2021.8 2025.7

  • 青年工作组副组长(教育部高等学校物流管理与工程类专业教学指导委员会)

2021.11 2026.1

  • 副会长(中国物流学会)

Research Focus

  • 数字航运平台与数字航运经济

  • 港口物流与港航供应链管理

  • 绿色港口运营与智慧物流管理

Research Group