Main positions:Analytical chemistry laboratory teacher
Other Post:分析化学实验课教师 应用化学1601班班主任
Analytical chemistry laboratory offers 2 undergraduate lever courses, analytical chemistry laboratory B and D. Teaching faculties for the spring semester of 2017 are consist of 2 lab engineers, 1 lab assistant, and 3 lecture teachers. Seven available laboratory rooms are 201 (high pressure liquid chromatography, 16 instruments), 215A (sample preparation of UV-Vis labs, 16 seats), 215B (ion selective electrode labs, 16 seats), 217A (UV-Vis spectroscopy, 18 instruments), 217B (infrared spectroscopy, 4 instruments), 218 (gas chromatography, 18 instruments), 304 (acid-base/redox/complexation titrations, 32 seats), 305 (acid-base/redox/complexation titrations, 32 seats), and 307 (analytical balance, 34 instruments).