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    • 教授     博士生导师   硕士生导师
    • 性别:女
    • 毕业院校:复旦大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:化工学院
    • 办公地点:大连理工大学西校区化工实验楼 E532
    • 联系方式:shaok@dlut.edu.cn
    • 电子邮箱:shaok@dlut.edu.cn





    邵堃,理学博士,教授,博士生导师;国家海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目获得者、辽宁省“兴辽英才”计划青年拔尖人才。在国际知名期刊  Nature NanotechnologyScience AdvancesACS NanoNano LettersBiomaterials  Journal of Controlled Release 等发表学术论文 40 余篇,总引 4000 余次,h-index 32i10-index 41;参与撰写英文专著 部;授权发明专利 项。主持或参与国家、省部级项目 项。中国药学会药剂学青年学者论坛专家委员会委员,辽宁省细胞生物学学会淋巴细胞肿瘤及头颈部肿瘤医工融合专业委员会常务理事, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 青年编委, Journal of Immunology Research 客座编辑。



    2004.09-2008.04  厦门大学医学院,药学学士

    2008.09-2013.06  复旦大学药学院,药剂学博士

    2013.09-2018.04  加拿大卡尔加里大学医学院,免疫学博士后

    2018.07-至今       大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室,教授、博导




    1. 智能纳米药物

    2. 免疫治疗纳米疫苗;

    3. 声动力治疗药物;




    13. Wang Y, Li G*, Su J, Liu Y, Zhang X, Zhang G, Wu Z, Li J, Zhang Y, Wang X, Yang Z, Wang R, Wang C, Wang L, Sun F, Zhao W, Wang X, Peng X, Shao K*. Spatiotemporal Controllable Sono-Nanovaccines Driven by Free-Field Based Whole-Body Ultrasound for Personalized Cancer Therapy. Adv Sci. 2024, 2307920.

    12. Huang J, Sun X, Wang Y, Su J, Li G, Wang X, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Li B, Zhang G, Li J, Du J, Nanjundappa RH, Umeshappa CS*, Shao K*. Biological interactions of polystyrene nanoplastics: Their cytotoxic and immunotoxic effects on the hepatic and enteric systems. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf2023, 264:115447.

    11. Wang L. Li G*, Cao L, Dong Y, Wang Y, Wang S, Li Y, Guo X, Zhang Y, Sun F, Du X, Su  J, Li Q, Peng X, Shao K*, Zhao W*. An Ultrasound-Driven Immune Boosting Molecular Machine for Systemic Tumor Suppression. Sci Adv20217:eabj4796.


    10. Xia W, Li H, Li Y, Li M, Fan J, Sun W, Li N, Li R, Shao K*, Peng X*.  In Vivo Coinstantaneous Identification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Circulating Tumor Cells by Dual-Targeting Magnetic-Fluorescent Nanobeads. Nano Lett. 2021. 21(1):634-641.


    9. Xia W, Shangguan X, Li M, Wang Y, Xi D, Sun W, Fan J, Shao K*, Peng X*.  Ex vivo identification of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood by fluorometric "turn on"aptamer nanoparticles. Chem Sci. 2021. 12:3314-3321.


    8. Qin L#, Cao J#, Shao K#, Tong F, Yang Z, Lei T, Wang Y, Hu C, Umeshappa CS, Gao H*, Peppas NA. A tumor-to-lymph procedure navigated versatile gel system for combinatorial therapy against tumor recurrence and metastasis. Sci Adv. 2020. 6(36):eabb3116.


    7. Singha S#, Shao K#, Ellestad KK, Yang Y, Santamaria P*. Nanoparticles for Immune Stimulation Against Infection, Cancer, and Autoimmunity. ACS Nano. 2018. 12(11):10621-10635.


    6. Singha S#, Shao K#, Yang Y*, Clemente-Casares X, Sole P, Clemente A, Blanco J, Dai Q, Song FY, Liu S, Yamanouchi J, Umeshappa C, Nanjundappa R,  Detampel P, Amrein M, Fandos C, Tanguay R, Newbigging S, Serra P, Khadra A, Chan W, Santamaria P*. Peptide-MHC-based nanomedicines for autoimmunity function as T-cell receptor microclustering devices. Nat Nanotechnol. 2017. 12(7):701-710.


    5. Shao K, Singha S, Clemente-Casares X, Tsai S, Yang Y, Santamaria P*. Nanoparticle-based immunotherapy for cancer. ACS Nano. 2015. 9(1):16-30. ESI高被引


    4. Shao K, Zhang Y, Ding N, Huang S, Wu J, Li J, Yang C, Leng Q, Ye L, Lou J, Zhu L*, Jiang C*. Functionalized Nanoscale Micelles with Brain Targeting Ability and Intercellular Microenvironment Biosensitivity for Anti-Intracranial Infection Applications. Adv Healthc Mater. 2015. 4(2):291-300.


    3. Shao K, Ding N, Huang S, Ren S, Zhang Y, Kuang Y, Guo Y, Ma H, An S, Li Y, Jiang C*. Smart nanodevice combined tumor-specific vector with cellular microenvironment-triggered property for highly effective antiglioma therapy. ACS Nano. 2014. 8(2):1191-203.


    2. Shao K, Wu J, Chen Z, Huang S, Li J, Ye L, Lou J, Zhu L*, Jiang C*. A brain-vectored angiopep-2 based polymeric micelles for the treatment of intracranial fungal infection. Biomaterials. 2012. 33(28):6898-907.


    1. Shao K, Huang R, Li J, Han L, Ye L, Lou J, Jiang C*. Angiopep-2 modified PE-PEG based polymeric micelles for amphotericin B delivery targeted to the brain. J Control Release. 2010. 147(1):118-26.



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    2023 年在精细化工、应用化学学位点招收博士和硕士研究生,欢迎精细化工、应用化学、制药工程、药学、生物医学工程、生物学等相关研究背景的考生报考!