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Joint Generation Dispatching of Power System with Nuclear Power Units Participating in Peak Load Regulation


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2016-01-01

Included Journals:CPCI-S

Page Number:324-327

Key Words:nuclear power generation; peak load regulation; heat storage; generation dispatching

Abstract:With nuclear power generation increasing, power system peak load situation is becoming more and more serious. It is very important to study the joint generation dispatching issue of power grid for nuclear power peaking. Due to the anti peaking characteristics of wind power output, power load peak valley difference further increases, and thus it exacerbates the difficulty of peak load regulation in power grid. By increasing the capacity of heat storage device, the peak load regulation can be realized when nuclear power is regarded as the base load in power grid. A joint nuclear-thermal-wind-heat storage generation dispatching model is proposed in this paper according to the time transfer capability of heat storage device energy. It can achieve the equivalent peak power of nuclear power generation. Numerical results and analysis are given to demonstrate the feasibility of the joint generation dispatching model.

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