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  • 孙鹏 ( 高级工程师 )

    的个人主页 http://faculty.dlut.edu.cn/sunpeng/en/index.htm

  •   高级工程师
  • 主要任职:Director of Innovation Laboratory for Undergraduate
  • 其他任职:新技术实验室主任,创新实验室主任(兼)
论文成果 当前位置: 孙鹏的个人主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
Power Allocation for Interference Alignment Networks Based on Caching

关键字:Caching; interference alignment; limited back-haul; outage probability; power allocation; small-cell networks
摘要:Cache is becoming an effective method to improve the transmission rate and reduce the backhaul load. Nevertheless, owing to the limited capacity of backhaul, less power should be allocated to the users whose requested contents do not exist in the local caches to maximize the performance of the caching users. Thus, in this paper, power allocation (PA) is considered to further improve the performance of cache-aided small-cell networks with limited backhaul, where interference alignment is utilized to manage interferences among users. Specially, three PA algorithms are proposed. First, we come up with a PA algorithm to maximize the sum rate of the network, considering the limitation of backhaul. Then, in order to make more users meet their rate requirement, a PA algorithm to minimize the average outage probability is proposed. In addition, in order to further improve the users' experience, a PA algorithm to maximize the average satisfaction of all the users is also designed. Plenty of simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the three proposed PA algorithms.


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