Wang Gongtai


Alma Mater:Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick


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Gongtai Wang is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Economics and Management, Dalian University of Technology, China. He earned his PhD at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK. Before joining Dalian University of Technology, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher (Level B) at UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia, and an assistant professor at the Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Canada. He is also a current adjunct professor at the Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Canada.

Gongtai's research interest lies in digital innovation, focusing on how firms leverage emerging digital technologies (such as the Internet of Things, virtual/augmented/mixed reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain) to fundamentally rethink and strategically redesign traditional products/services/business models. 

Gongtai has published two articles as the first or second author in MIS Quarterly (UTD24), one article as a single author in Journal of Product Innovation Management (AJG4), seven papers in the proceedings of international conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) as a single or first author, and two chapters in books published by Cambridge University Press and Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Gongtai has served as a reviewer for top journals such as MIS Quarterly (UTD24), Information Systems Research (UTD24), Journal of Management Information Systems (FT50), and Journal of the Association for Information Systems (AJG4*). He has also served as an associate editor for various international information systems conferences, including ICIS, ECIS, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), and Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). 

Gongtai has received numerous research and teaching awards, including the Graduate Teaching Award from the Smith School of Business in 2023, the ICIS Best Associate Editor Award in 2022, the ECIS Outstanding Contribution Award as an Associate Editor at ECIS in 2022, the PACIS Best Reviewer Nomination in 2022, the ICIS Best Short Paper in Conference Award in 2020, the ICIS Best Short Paper in Track in 2020, and the ECIS Best Paper Runners-Up in 2016.


Practitioner-Oriented Articles

刘玥杭, 孙玉涛, 王公太. (2024), "商业范式转变:重建数字经济的新优势 (Business Paradigm Shift: Rebuilding Advantages of the Digital Economy)," 清华管理评论 (Tsinghua Management Review), 04, pp.80-85.

Wang, G. (2023), “Six Ways to Ease AI-Induced Stress,” Smith Business Insight.

Wang, G. (2023), “It’s Time for a Sober View of AI,” Smith Business Insight.

Wang, G. (2023), “For Digital Innovation, Product Meaning Rises to the Top,” Smith Business Insight.


Burton-Jones, A. and Wang, G. (2023), “What Makes a Journal Significant? From the Tyranny of Metrics to True Impact,” MIS Quarterly, 47(2), pp.i-xiv.

Wang, G., Henfridsson, O., Nandhakumar, J. and Yoo, Y. (2022), “Product Meaning in Digital Product Innovation,” MIS Quarterly, 46(2), pp.947-976.

Wang, G. (2022), “Digital Reframing: The Design Thinking of Redesigning Traditional Products into Innovative Digital Products,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39(1), pp.95-118.

Dahabiyeh, L., Najjar, M.S. and Wang, G. (2022), “Online teaching during COVID-19 crisis: The role of technostress and emotional dissonance on online teaching exhaustion and teaching staff productivity,” The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 39(2), pp.97-121.


Wang, G. and Burton-Jones, A. (2023), “Miscellaneous Citation Groups Are Buried in Journal Impact Factors: A Case of the Information Systems Field,” Short Paper, in Proceedings of ICIS 2023. [Best Short Paper Nominee]

Wang, G. (2022), “Digital Mesh: On the Rise of Mesh Computing,” Full Paper, in Proceedings of ICIS 2022.

Wang, G. and Burton-Jones, A. (2020), “Rethinking IT Governance Structure and Action,” Short Paper, in Proceedings of ICIS 2020. [Best Short Paper in Conference]

Wang, G. and Burton-Jones, A. (2020), “Governing Digital Transformation: A New Perspective,” Short Paper, in Proceedings of ICIS 2020. [Best Short Paper in Track]

Wang, G. and Nandhakumar, J. (2017), “Strategic Swaying: How Startups Grow Digital Platforms,” Full Paper, in Proceedings of ICIS 2017.

Wang, G., Henfridsson, O. and Nandhakumar, J. (2016), “How Do Designers Assemble Representational Practices to Generate Radical Digital Innovations?” Full Paper, in Proceedings of ICIS 2016.

Wang, G. and Nandhakumar, J. (2016), “Affordance-Based Conceptualization of Adaptive Use of Enterprise Systems,” Full Paper, in Proceedings of ECIS 2016. [Best Paper Runner-Up]

Book Chapter

Wang, G. (2023), “Digital Value and Organizational Change: It’s Time to Rethink Organization for Value-in-Configuration,” in Digitalization and Sustainability: Advancing Digital Value. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Wang, G., Burton-Jones, A. and Akhlaghpour, S. (2023), “Balancing the Momentum of Datafication with Qualitative Researchers as Design Thinkers,” in The Cambridge Handbook of Qualitative Digital Research. Cambridge University Press.

Invited Talk/Conference Presentation

2023, “SIGDITE Panel: Finding the Next Frontiers in DITE Research”

International Conference on Information Systems, Online

2022, “Digital Mesh: On the Rise of Mesh Computing”

International Conference on Information Systems, Denmark

2022, “Understanding the Diversity of Qualitative Research”

University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Online

2022, “Think Like a Reviewer”

China Pharmaceutical University, Online

2021, “An Alternative Theoretical Lens for Understanding Digital Platform Evolution”

JAIS Theory Development Workshop, Online

2021, “Product Meaning in Digital Product Innovation”

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Online

2020, “Digital Reframing: Design Thinking of Digital Innovation”

JPIM Workshop on “Design Thinking and Innovation Management,” Online

2020, “Rethinking IT Governance Structure and Action”

International Conference on Information Systems, India

2020, “Governing Digital Transformation: A New Perspective”

International Conference on Information Systems, India

2019, “Prospective Digital Representing in Design Collaboration in the Digital Age”

International Process Symposium, Greece

2019, “Governing Digital Transformation: A New Perspective”

International Process Symposium, Greece

2017, “Strategic Swaying: How Startups Grow Digital Platforms”

International Conference on Information Systems, South Korea

2016, “How Do Designers Assemble Representational Practices to Generate Radical Digital Innovations?”

International Conference on Information Systems, Ireland

2016, “Affordance-Based Conceptualization of Adaptive Use of Enterprise Systems”

European Conference on Information Systems, Turkey


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