Wang Peng

Associate Professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering

Business Address:3号实验楼602c房间

Contact Information:13342287260

Current position: Home >> Teaching Research >> Teaching Information

Undergraduate Course

Course Name School Year Semester Required Class Hours Credits Course Number
机械设计基础 2023-2024 Spring Term 32 2 100035232580
机械设计基础 2022-2023 Spring Term 32 2 100035232580
建筑电气 2021-2022 Autumn Term 24 1.5 1030240451
建筑电气 2020-2021 Autumn Term 24 1.5 1030240451
建筑电气 2019-2020 Autumn Term 24 1.5 1030240451

Postgraduate Course

Course Name School Year Semester Required Class Hours Credits Course Number
暖通空调智能算法及程序设计 2023-2024 Spring Term 32 2 2030231811
暖通空调智能算法及程序设计 2022-2023 Spring Term 32 2 2030231811
暖通空调智能算法及程序设计 2021-2022 Spring Term 32 2 2030231811
暖通空调智能算法及程序设计 2020-2021 Spring Term 24 1.5 2030231561



1. 2016.12 -- 2018.12

University of Nebraska - Lincoln > Architectural Engineering > Postdoctor 

2. 2009.9 -- 2015.10 

大连理工大学 > 工程热物理 > 博士

3. 2005.9 -- 2009.7 

大连理工大学 > 热能与动力工程 > 学士


2015.10 -- 至今



1. 基于深度学习理论的能源系统优化运行、传感器数据质量保障、装备预测性维护及故障诊断

2. 基于CFD+BigData的工业装备能效提升及结构逆向优化设计;

3. 太阳能PV/T热泵冷-热-电多能联供技术;

My research interests: 

1. Energy equipment optimization operation, sensor data quality assurance, equipment predictive maintenance and fault diagnosis based on deep learning theory;

2. Energy efficiency improvement and structural reverse optimization design of industrial equipment based on CFD and big data;

3. Solar PV/T heat pump cold-heat-electricity multi-energy supply technology;