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Date of Publication:2012-01-01

Journal:辽宁师范大学学报 社会科学版

Affiliation of Author(s):外国语学院



Page Number:512-515

ISSN No.:1000-1751

Abstract:Britain in the 19th century was a patriarchal society, in which men possessed the undoubted pow- er while women were put under control. However, according to Derridar's theory of deconstruction and based on Sons and Lovers written by the famous British modernist writer D. H. Lawrence, the basic feature in binary opposition principle of western world is challenged and subverted in the process of studying the life of Walter Morel and deconstructing his patriarchal authority. As the absence replaces the presence and the main role is replaced by the opposite side, it is set that patriarchy oppresses the female, at the same time it is also a yoke for men, even putting them into the situation beyond redemption.


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