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Date of Publication:2021-01-01

Journal:The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring



Page Number:18-22

ISSN No.:1006-2009

Key Words:"Water quality monitoring; Section optimization; Systematic clustering method; Fuzzy clustering method; Matter-element analysis; Dengsha River watershed"

CN No.:32-1418

Abstract:Based on the water quality data from the monitoring sections in Dengsha River in Dalian,the approaches of systematic clustering,fuzzy clustering and matter-element analysis were applied to optimize the monitoring sections. Results showed that the number of monitoring sections decreased by 40% after optimization,and the number of highly correlated adjacent sections decreased from 71% to 54% by optimization. Before and after optimization,the sample variances were homogeneous and the mean values had no significant difference. Therefore, the optimized monitoring network could obviously raise the monitoring efficiency,eliminate the reduplicative sections,and ensure the representativeness of the data.


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