Xu Hongming

Associate Professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:Associate Professor


Alma Mater:University of Alberta

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:Dalian University of Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering

Business Address:大连理工大学北门创新园大厦A1227

Contact Information:mxu@ualberta.ca


Educational Experience

2005.9 -- 2009.6

西北农林科技大学       信息管理与信息系统       Bachelor's Degree

2009.9 -- 2012.6

西北农林科技大学       计算机应用技术       Master's Degree

2012.9 -- 2017.6

阿尔伯塔大学       信号与图像处理       Doctoral Degree

Research Focus

Compuational Radiology and Pathology Integration:

Integrating radiological and patholgical image computing by making using machine learning and computer vision algorithms, especially deep learning models. The aim is to assist in computer-aided diagnosis and/or prognosis in biomecial imaging fields.

Computational Pathology for Computer-aided Prognosis (CAP):

Developing computer-aided prognosis system by performing histopathological image analysis using machine learning and computer vision algorithms, especially deep learning models. The projects are to predict patient survival risks, genomic biomarkers related to patient treatments, and etc. The aim is to help in achieving precise medicine.

Computational Pathology for Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD):

Developing computer-aided diagnosis system by performing histopathological image analysis using machine learning and computer vision algorithms, especially deep learning models. The aim is to assist pathologists in tumor/cancer diagnosis and grading.

Work Experience

2017.10 -- 2020.11

克利夫兰诊所,Lerner研究所      博士后

2021.1 -- Now

大连理工大学生物医学工程学院      副教授


徐宏明,现为大连理工大学医学部生物医学工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师;2017-2020 年于美国克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic,全美医院排名前2名)开展博士后研究,2017年7月博士毕业于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 (University of Alberta,全加大学排名前5名) 电子与计算机工程系;先后获得大连市高层次人才“青年才俊”,大连市引进海外中国籍高层次人才“青年项目”,辽宁省兴辽英才计划”博士后储备项目支持。主要研究方向为:医疗人工智能(机器学习和计算机视觉)、肿瘤计算病理分析、医学影像大数据处理、多模态数据挖掘等医工交叉研究方向。主持国家自然科学基金一项,校引进人才基本科研业务费一项,共同主持辽宁省基础应用研究项目,辽宁省医工交叉项目各一项,参与科技部重点研发项目一项,大连理工大学-辽宁省肿瘤医院医工交叉项目两项。已在IEEE-RBME(2022 IF=17.6), IEEE-JBHI(2022 IF=7.7),IEEE-TBME(2022 IF=4.6),IEEE/ACM-TCBB(2022 IF=4.5)等行业内高水平期刊及会议发表论文>40篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者论文30余篇。


欢迎熟悉Pytorch或Tensorflow等深度学习框架,熟悉Python & Matlab & R 编程的同学与我们洽谈联系,课题组常年招收本科实习生、硕士、博士、博士后人员,具体如下:





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