Doctoral Degree

KU Leuven

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Business Address:大连理工大学西部校区化工实验楼A307室



徐 剑,博士,教授,博士生导师。分别在 Ocean University of China、TU Braunschweig(德国)完成本科及硕士学习,博士毕业于比利时 Catholic University of Leuven 复合材料专业。博士师从比利时皇家科学院院士、世界复合材料大会(ICCM)联合创始人 I.Verpoest 教授。隶属于著名高分子及复合材料专家蹇院士团队。在复合材料多尺度设计及工艺过程仿真、复合材料工艺开发及复合材料装备研发等方向展开了长期的基础和应用研究,并取得了一系列研究成果:(1)提出并完成基于纺织复合材料单胞的双尺度疲劳本构模型,缩短材料考核周期75%以上;(2)系统建立了“3+1”全尺度冲击模型(细-介-宏-构件)和材料多尺度表征路线图,模型在空客xxx战斗机水平尾翼蒙皮抗冲击性设计中得以应用;(3)作为核心骨干,分别参与和主导研发了“机器人辅助未预浸纤维高速铺设”工艺装备和铺设过程仿真软件,装备在奥迪、宝马集团、德国航空航天中心和韩国科学技术研究院得到应用;(4)提出“‘双铺丝头’纤维铺设”和“铺层多步冲压”工艺及装备,可进一步提高铺设过程稳定性和产品质量,降低设备造价,获得6项核心专利授权;(5)作为负责人,主持申报的 “机器人辅助激光原位固化缠绕+铺放工艺装备”项目,入选“3315创新团队”;(6)承担了“xxx临近空间超长航时无人机”项目机身结构设计工作;(7)负责了碳化硅纤维增强陶瓷复合材料核能包壳管的编织与缠绕工艺仿真、增强预制体制备,完成了高脆性纤维专用缠绕设备的设计研发工作;(8)作为负责人,主持申报的“基于分数阶标准线性体模型的纺织复合材料多尺度低周疲劳渐进损伤机理研究”获得国家自然科学面上基金项目批准(项目批准号:52075526)。发表论文37篇(SCI以及高水平会议论文23篇),参与撰写书目章节4篇(与导师合作撰写高水平论著章节1篇);先后协助及独立辅导博士后、博士、硕士12人,在培养硕士生5人、硕博连读生2人,博士生3人、博士后1人;担任领域核心期刊Int. J. FATIGUE、COMPOS.PB等期刊审稿人;获得“玛丽·居里学者”称号。作为项目负责人或骨干推动完成国际大型车企和飞机制造企业(奥迪、宝马集团、麦克拉伦、西班牙安通林、空中客车)资助项目8项,主要成果获得工业应用。随研发团队荣获德国巴-符州科技创新一等奖。作为唯一专利权人,获得机器人辅助纤维铺放相关工艺装备专利授权6项。获得国家青年人才称号。研究方向:基于蹇院士团队对高性能纤维增强树脂基复合材料体系的研究,开展复合材料装备开发、复合材料工艺过程仿真、复合材料全尺度模拟和复合材料工艺开发等方面的研究工作,以解析复合材料制备和性能测试过程中深刻的物理化学现象以及产生机制,有助于工艺参数的精确控制与优化,保证材料性能的稳定,形成产业化。欢迎对徐老师研究方向感兴趣的同学报考研究生,加入蹇院士的大家庭!主持或参与科研项目: 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于分数阶标准线性体模型的纺织复合材料多尺度低周疲劳渐进损伤机理研究(项目批准号:52075526)主持国家级纵向项目:机器人辅助铺放工艺装备及工艺仿真 —— 中组部主持国家级纵向项目:飞机复合材料结构在高速冲击下的性能表征和仿真研究 —— 欧盟/空中客车防务与空间主持省部级项目:机器人辅助铺放工艺装备及工艺仿真——科学院配套主持省部级项目:太阳能超长航时临近空间xxx – 子项目:机身碳纤维复合材料结构设计、强度校核与制造 —— 科学院参与省部级项目证明:加速器驱动核能系统中碳化硅结构材料研究 —— 科学院参与省部级项目证明:面向热塑性树脂基纺织复合材料汽车座椅的多尺度仿真研究 —— 西班牙经济和竞争力部、西班牙安通林集团参与省部级项目证明:面向奥迪R8中柱的机器人辅助纤维铺设工艺研究 —— 德国联邦经济事务和能源部、奥迪主持的其他纵向项目证明:3315创新团队项目 —— 市科技局,市委组织部参与其他项目:涡扇脱落碎片对机身的冲击研究 —— 空客运作分公司参与其他项目:面向i3车身底板的机器人辅助纤维铺设工艺研究 —— 德国宝马集团参与其他项目:面向航空复合材料筛选的细观弹塑性本构模型研究 —— 空客法国获得奖励与荣誉: 浙江大学教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员市领军拔尖人才第一梯队市3315创新团队负责人吉林大学“唐敖庆讲座教授”中组部青年千人玛丽·居里学者省部级科技奖励: "高效纤维铺放技术在汽车轻量化中的应用" 德国巴登符腾堡州政府科技创新一等奖(Dr. Rudolf- Eberle- Preis)发表论文(按发表时间排序): [1] Sijia Shen, Yunsheng Chen, Lingwei Yang, Yajie Feng, Jian Xu, Role of columnar structure on the fracture anisotropy of physical vapor deposited Al/SiC nanolaminates. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 786, 139387.[2] Yunsheng Chen, Jun Wang, Yajie Feng, Gang Zhao, Xigao Jian, Lingwei Yang, Jian Xu, High temperature indentation creep mechanics of metal-ceramic nanolaminates. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020.[3] Jun Wang, Yunsheng Chen, Yajie Feng, Gang Zhao, Xigao Jian, Qing Huang, Lingwei Yang, Jian Xu, Influence of porosity on anisotropic thermal conductivity of SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composite: A microscopic modeling study. Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 781-788, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.08.029.[4] Jun Wang, Yajie Feng, Gang Zhao, Lingwei Yang, Jian Xu, Effect of elastic and thermal mismatch on push-in mechanism and shear strength measurement of fiber/matrix interface. Composite Interfaces, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/09276440.2020.1712917.[5] Gang Zhao, Yajie Feng, Jianbo Tang, Yousi Chen, Shiqing Xin, Xigao Jian, Shouhai Zhang, Jian Xu, An Advanced Rate-dependent Cohesive Zone Model for Interfacial Viscoelasticity and Progressive Damage Based on Stretched Exponential Function. Computers & Structures.[6] Gang Zhao, Jianbo Tang, Yajie Feng, Yousi Chen, Shiqing Xin, Xigao Jian, Shouhai Zhang, Jian Xu, An Advanced Finite Element Modell for Notched Composite Sample with Patch Reinforcement. Computers & Structures, 2020.[7] 冯亚杰, 赵刚, 唐建波, 尚念伟, 陈友汜, 徐 剑, CAFE方法在陶瓷材料裂纹扩展多尺度模拟中的应用, 中国力学大会, 2019.[8] Wensong Wang, Zheng Fang, Shiqing Xin, Ying He, Yuanfeng Zhou, Shuangmin Chen, Jian Xu, Guozhu Liu, Tracing High-quality Isolines for Discrete Geodesic Distance Fields. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2019.[9] Zhiyang Dou, Shiqing Xin, Rui Xu, Jian Xu, Yuanfeng Zhou, Shuangmin Chen, Wenping Wang, Xiuyang Zhao, Changhe Tu, Top-Down Shape Abstraction Based on Greedy Pole Selection. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2019.[10] Luming Cao, Shuangmin Chen, Jian Xu, Shiqing Xin, Yuanfeng Zhou, Ying He, Guozhu Liu, Changhe Tu, An accurate quadrature approach for Lipschitz continuous functions over arbitrary planar domains. ACDDE 2019.[11] 程景亮, 于昊, 赵俊浩, 徐 剑, 陈双敏, 周元峰, 辛士庆, 面向口扫数字模型的全自动牙齿分割, GDC, 2019.[12] Junhao Zhao, Shuangmin Chen, Guozhu Liu, Jian Xu, Shiqing Xin, Yuanfeng Zhou, Wenping Wang, Automatically Modeling Piecewise Planar 3D Object from Unorganized Point Cloud, CVM 2019, will be published on Computer-Aided Design.[13] 李梦龙, 朱世鹏,欧阳琴, 马洪波, 徐 剑, 陈友汜, 杨云华,不同直径国产高强中模型碳纤维结构及其轴向压缩强度关系的研究, 高科技纤维与应用, 2018, 43(6): 33-39.[14] 冯亚杰, 尚念伟, 唐建波, 赵刚, 陈友汜, 徐 剑, 基于CAFE方法的陶瓷基复合材料损伤演化, NCCM-20, 2018.[15] 唐建波, 尚念伟, 冯亚杰, 赵刚, 陈友汜, 徐 剑, 基于凸包算法的纤维缠绕3D路径仿真, NCCM-20, 2018.[16] 赵刚, 唐建波, 冯亚杰, 尚念伟, 陈友汜, 徐 剑, 面向纤维增强复合材料多尺度方法研究, NCCM-20, 2018.[17] J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J.Degrieck, A comparative study of twill weave reinforced composites under tension-tension fatigue loading: Experiments and meso-modelling, Composite Structures, 2016.01, 135, 306-315.[18] J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J.Degrieck, A progressive damage model of textile composites on meso-scale using finite element method: Fatigue damage analysis, Computers & Structures, 2015.05, 152, 96 -112.[19] A. García-Carpintero, J. Xu, C. Lopes, C. González, A model for the generation of the geometrical meso-structure of a triaxially braided composites, XI Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos, Madrid, 2015.07.06-2015.07.08.[20] J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, S. Daggumati, W. V. Paepegem, J.Degrieck, M. Olave, A progressive damage model of textile composites on meso-scale using finite element method: static damage analysis, Journal of Composite Materials, 2014.10, 48(25), 3091-3109.[21] S. Daggumati, I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S.V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Fatigue and post-fatigue stress-strain analysis of a 5-harness satin weave carbon fibre reinforced composite, Composites Science and Technology, 2013.01, 74, 20-27.[22] W. Van Paepegem, I. De Baere, S. Daggumati, C. Hochard, J. Xu, S. Lomov, I. Verpoest, J. Degrieck, Stress-strain analysis of a carbon pps during and after fatigue loading conditions, I6th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification (CompTest-6), Aalborg, Denmark, 2013.04.22-2013.04.24[23] S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, T. Praet, B. Verhegghe, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Local strain in a 5-harness satin weave composite under static tension: Part II---Meso-FE analysis, Composites Science and Technology, 2011.06, 71(9), 1217-1224.[24] S. Daggumati, E. Voet, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Local strain in a 5-harness satin weave composite under static tension: Part I---Experimental analysis, Composites Science and Technology, 2011.05, 71(8), 1171-1179.[25] M. Olave, J. Xu, S. Lomov, D. Vandepitte, Internal geometry variability evaluation of two woven structures, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 16), Porto, Portugal, 2011.07.28-2011.07.30[26] S. V. Lomov, A. E. Bogdamovich, N. Taketa, J. Xu, Inherent carbon fibre stiffenning as seen in textile reinforced compposites, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Indentification (CompTest-5), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011.02.14-2011.02.16.[27] S. Daggumati, E. Voet, W. VanPaepegem, J. Degrieck, T. Praet, B. Verhegghe, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Evaluation of Local Strain Profiles in a Satin Weave Composite: Experimental vs Meso-FE Modelling, Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.06.07-2010.06.10.[28] S. Daggumati, I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S.V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Local damage in a 5-harness satin weave composite under static tension: Part I---Experimental analysis, Composites Science and Technology, 2010.11, 70(13), 1926-1933.[29] J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, M. Olave, FE-modeling of damage of twill carbon/epoxy composite on meso-scale, materials characterization and experimental verification, Recent Advances in Textile Composites, 2010, 44-+., Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Textile Composites (TEXCOMP10), Lille, France, 2010.10.26-2010.10.28.[30] S. Daggumati, E. Voet, W. V. Paepegem, J. Degrieck, T. Praet, B.Verhegghe, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Influence of the Internal Yarn Nesting (Shifting) on the Local Structural Response of a Satin Weave Composite-An Experimental and Numerical Overview, 2010, 238-+., Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Textile Composites (TEXCOMP10), Lille, France, 2010.10.25-2010.10.29.[31] V. Carvelli, S. V. Lomov, A. Bogdanovich, M. Li,J. Pazmino, J. Xu, D. Mungalov, I. Verpoest, Static and fatigue tensile behaviour of 3D braided carbon/epoxy composite, Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.06.07-2010.06.10.[32] J. Xu, S. Lomov, I. Verpoest, S. Daggumati, W. V. Paepegem, J.Degrieck, Progressive fatigue damage modeling of textile composite on meso-scale with fe-method, SAMPE Europe 31st international technical conference (SEICO 2010): Improvement of materials and application charateristics, Paris, Franc, 2010.04.12-2010.04.14.[33] S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I.Verpoest, Local damage in a 5-harness satin weave composite under static tension: Part I---Meso-FE modelling, Composites Science and Technology, 2010.11, 70(13), 1934-1941.[34] S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I.Verpoest, Effect of ply stacking on the vatiation in local strain and damage behavior in 5-hardness strain weave composite, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Textile Composites (TEXCOMP10), Lille, France, 2010.10.25-2010.10.29.[35] J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, S. Daggumati, W. V. Paepegem, J.Degrieck, Meso-scale modelling of static and fatigue damage in woven composite materials with Finite Element Method, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17), Edinburgh, UK, 2009.07.27-2009.07.31.[36] S. Daggumati, I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S.V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Meso-scale modelling in thermoplastic 5-harness satin weave composite, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17) Edinburgh, UK, 2009.07.27-2009.07.31.[37] S. V. Lomov, D. Ivanov, V. Koissin, J. Kustermans, K. Vallons, J. Xu, I. Verpoest, V. Carvelli, V. Tomaselli, V. Witzel, Damage initiation in textile composites: a gallery, Proceedings of SEICO 09 SAMPE Europe International Conference, Paris, France, 2009.03.23-2009.03.25. 参与撰写书目章节(按发表时间排序): [1] S. V. Lomov, J. Xu, 14 - Modelling high-cycle fatigue of textile composites on the unit cell level, Woodhead Publishing, 2015.06.15.[2] S. Daggumati, E. Voet, I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, In -Situ local strain measurement in textile composites with embedded optical fibre sensors, CRC Press, 158000, 2012.03.13.[3] J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, M. Olave, FE-modeling of damage of twill carbon/epoxy composite on meso-scale, materials characterization and experimental veritication, DEStech Publications, 174000, 2010.10.26.[4] S. Daggumati, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, Effect of ply stacking on the variation in local strain and damage in textile Composites, DEStech Publications, 174000, 2010.10.26. 授权专利: 发明专利:一种纤维复合材料零部件预成型的铺设方法及设备, 2017.3.1, 中国, CN104608398B发明专利:一种生产纤维增强型复合材料预成型的冲压方法及设备, 2017.9.12, 中国, CN104786518B实用新型专利:一种纤维原丝铺设装置, 2015.7.29, 中国, CN204505870U实用新型专利:一种纤维原丝传送装置, 2015.7.29, 中国, CN204505869U实用新型专利:一种纤维复合材料零部件预成型的铺设设备, 2015.7.29,中国, CN204505871U实用新型专利:一种用于生产纤维增强复合材料预成型的冲压设备, 2015.7.29, 中国, CN204505867U

2007.8  to  2011.10
Catholic University of Leuven | Composite Materials | Doctoral Degree
2003.8  to  2006.10
TU Braunschweig | Civil Engineering | Master's Degree
1997.9  to  2001.7
Ocean University of China | Civil Engineering | Bachelor's Degree
1994.9  to  1997.7
Qingdao 2nd Middle School | 无

2019.5  to  Now
 School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology 
2016.12  to  Now
 Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering  | Researcher 
2014.9  to  2016.11
 Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials  | Research Scientist 
2011.10  to  2014.9
 CommScope Limited  | R & D Engineer 
2005.1  to  2005.10
 The German Aerospace Center  | assistant research fellow 
2001.8  to  2003.7
 ShuYu Technology Limited company  | Programer 


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