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Landslides on the soil reservoir bank for the different factors coupling processes


Leading Scientist:XIANGZHOU XU

Affiliation of Participant(s):Dalian University of Technology

Project Participants:jiaaichen

Supported by:国家自然科学基金项目

Project level:国家级

Classification of Project:国家自然科学基金

Sub-Class of Project:面上项目


Supported by:国家自然科学基金委员会

Nature of Project:纵向

Project Approval Number:51879032

Date of Project Approval:2018-08-16

Scheduled completion time:2022-12-31

Date of Project Initiation:2019-01-01

Date of Project Completion:2023-03-31

Pre One:PI. An experimental study on gravitational erosion of the loess slope

Next One:PI, Landslides on the soil reservoir bank coupling various impacting factors