Ye Lili

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Associate Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


Lili Ye, Associate Professor

Focuses on combustion reaction kinetics, flame inhibition mechanism, and catalytic thermal conversion.

Serves as a committee member of the Combustion Committee of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics.


Y. J. Chen, L. L. Ye*, Z. Y. Zhang. Unveiling the Oxygen Addition Kinetics of 1-Hydroxy-2-Hexyl and 2-Hydroxy-1-Hexyl at Low Temperature, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105560.

H. R. Ren, X. X. Xiao, Y. Shen, C. Y. Wang, W. Li, L. L. Ye*, W. G. Qu, L. Zhao, Z. Y. Zhou*, F. Qi. Insight into the initial decomposition mechanism of RDX based on probing key intermediates with online photoionization mass spectrometry, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105433.

F. Wang, L. L. Ye*, L. Zhang, Y. B. Bi, H. Y. Cong, W. Gao, M. S. Bi. A kinetic study of the inhibition mechanism of HFC-227ea on hydrogen combustion, Combustion and Flame, 2024, 260, 113262.

L. L. Ye* , Z. H. Zhang, F. Wang, X. D. Wang, Y. M. Lu, L. Zhang. Reaction mechanism and kinetic modeling of gas-phase thermal decomposition of prototype nitramine compound HMX, Combustion and Flame, 2023, 259, 113181.

X. D. Wang, L. L. Ye*, X. Y. Zhang, Z. H. Zhang, J. Z. Yang, L. Zhao⁎. Reaction kinetics and implications of the decomposition and formation of C2H4O isomers, Combustion and Flame, 2023, 250, 112634.

Y. M. Lu, L. L. Ye*, F. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. B. Bi, H. Y. Cong, M. S. Bi, Interplay of shell evolution and oxidation depth on the ignition andcombustion behavior of aluminum nanoparticles, Fuel, 2023, 353, 129260.

Z. H. Zhang, L. L. Ye*, X. D. Wang, X. G. Wu, W. Gao, J. Z. Li, M. S. Bi. Unraveling the reaction mechanism on pyrolysis of 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazinane (RDX), Combustion and Flame, 2022, 242, 112220.

Y. N. Zhu, Z. Y. Zhou*, L. L. Ye*, L. B. Xiao, W. G. Qu, C. H. Cui, X. M. Chen, H. R. Ren, J. H. Cai, H. X. Gao*, F. Qi, F. Q. Zhao. Direct mass spectrometric observation and reaction mechanism of gas-phase initial intermediates during CL-20 decomposition, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 241, 112095.

H. F. Jin, L. L. Ye*, J. Z. Yang, Y. Jiang, L. Zhao, and A. Farooq*. Inception of Carbonaceous Nanostructures via Hydrogen-Abstraction Phenylacetylene-Addition Mechanism, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 20710−20716.

H. F. Jin, W. Y. Chen, L. L. Ye*, H. Lou, Q. Xu, B. B. Feng, Z.D. Wang*, and A. Farooq. Reaction kinetics of phenyl + phenylacetylene at combustion-relevant intermediate temperatures, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 243, 112014.

J. B. Zou, Y. Y. Li*, L. L. Ye*, H. F. Jin, A comprehensive study on low-temperature oxidation chemistry of cyclohexane. I. Conformational analysis and theoretical study of first and second oxygen addition, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 235, 111658.

L. L. Ye, D. Z. Wang, H. T. Bian, B. Li, W. Gao, M. S. Bi. Exploring the chemical kinetics on oxygen addition reactions of o-xylyl radical at the low temperature, Combustion and Flame, 2021, 227, 95–105.

Educational Experience

2013.9 2014.8

  • 美国阿贡国家实验室
  • 同步辐射及应用

2009.9 2015.4

  • 中国科学技术大学
  • 同步辐射及应用
  • Doctoral Degree

Work Experience

2020.3 Now
  • 大连理工大学化工学院
  • 副教授

Social Affiliations

Research Focus

  • 燃烧爆炸化学反应机理

  • 化学阻燃抑爆机理