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Personal Information

 Doctoral Supervisor  Master Tutor


Alma Mater:The University of Tokyo

Main positions:Associate Professor

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:School of Energy and Power Engineering

Business Address:能源与动力学院709室



于涛,2016年3月毕业于日本东京大学,获得环境学博士学位。2016年4月至2021年9月任职日本弘前大学理工学研究科,助教,硕士生导师,博士生导师。2021年11月就任大连理工大学能源与动力学院能源与环境工程专业副教授,被评为大连理工大学星海青千。长期从事天然气水合物资源开采和水合物法二氧化碳海底封存的研究,在Applied Energy, Energy, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering等国际高水平期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,他引600余次,H指数14,并担任Fuel, Energy & Fuels, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering等多个期刊的审稿人。


[1]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song, Abuliti Abudula. Numerical evaluation on the effect of horizontal-well systems on the long-term gas hydrate production behavior at the second Shenhu test site. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 95 (2021) 104200.

[2]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song, Abuliti Abudula. Gas Production Enhancement from a Multilayered Hydrate Reservoir in the South China Sea by Hydraulic Fracturing. Energy & Fuels 35(15) (2021) 12104-12118.

[3]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song, Abuliti Abudula. Numerical investigation on the long-term gas production behavior at the 2017 Shenhu methane hydrate production site. Applied Energy 285 (2021) 116466.

[4]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song. Numerical evaluation of free gas accumulation behavior in a reservoir during methane hydrate production using a multiple-well system. Energy 218 (2021) 119560.

[5]  Tao Yu, Abulikemu Abudukeranmu, Aisikaer Anniwaer, Yohanes Andre Situmorang, Akihiro Yoshida, Xiaogang Hao, Yutaka Kasai, Abuliti Abudula, Guoqing Guan. Steam gasification of biochars derived from pruned apple branch with various pyrolysis temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (2020) 18321-18330.

[6]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Dayong Wang. 3D investigation of the effects of multiple-well systems on methane hydrate production in a low-permeability reservoir. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 76 (2020) 103213.

[7]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Dayong Wang. 3D visualization of methane hydrate production behaviors under actual wellbore conditions. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 185 (2020) 106645.

[8]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Dayong Wang. 3D visualization of fluid flow behaviors during methane hydrate extraction by hot water injection. Energy 188 (2019) 116110.

[9]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula. Production performance and numerical investigation of the 2017 offshore methane hydrate production test in the Nankai Trough of Japan. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113338. 

[10]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Akihiro Yoshida, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song. Application of horizontal wells to the oceanic methane hydrate production in the Nankai Trough, Japan. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 62 (2019) 113-131.

[11]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Akihiro Yoshida, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song. Heat-assisted production strategy for oceanic methane hydrate development in the Nankai Trough, Japan. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 174 (2019) 649-662.

[12]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Akihiro Yoshida, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song. Gas recovery enhancement from methane hydrate reservoir in the Nankai Trough using vertical wells. Energy 166 (2019) 834-844.

[13]  Tao Yu, Guoqing Guan, Abuliti Abudula, Akihiro Yoshida, Dayong Wang, Yongchen Song. Enhanced gas recovery from methane hydrate reservoir in the Nankai Trough, Japan. Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 5213-5218.

[14]  Tao Yu, Toru Sato, Abuliti Abudula. Estimation of CO2 storage capacity in the real sub-seabed sediments by gas hydrate. Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization 6 (2018) 82-94.

[15]  Tao Yu, Toru Sato, Takuya Nakashima, Masayuki Inui, Hiroyuki Oyama. An integrated model for CO2 hydrate formation in sand sediments for sub-seabed CO2 storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 52 (2016) 250-269.

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Educational Experience

  • 2012.10-2016.3

    日本东京大学 | 海洋技术环境学 | Doctoral Degree

  • 2009.9-2012.7

    大连理工大学 | 能源与环境工程 | Master's Degree

  • 2005.9-2009.7

    大连理工大学 | 热能与动力工程 | Bachelor's Degree

  • 2002.9-2005.6

    沈阳市第二中学 | \ 

Work Experience

  • 2016.4-2021.9

     日本弘前大学  | 助教 

  • 2021.11-Now

     大连理工大学能源与动力学院  | 副教授 

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