Business Address:化工学院 知顺楼C322
Discipline:Industrial Catalysis. Chemical Engineering. Energy Chemical Technology
Associate Professor
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Degree:Doctoral Degree
Alma Mater:东京工业大学
Professional Title:Associate Professor
张文锐,博士,大连理工大学化工学院副教授,博士生导师。2014年毕业于大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院(日语强化班)获材料工学、日语双学位;2020年毕业于日本国立东京工业大学化学系获博士学位。获得博士学位之后,曾先后在日本国立产业技术综合研究所任博士后研究员、在日本国立东京工业大学任助理教授,并于2023年回到大连理工大学,加入化工学院先进能源材料与催化团队(陆安慧老师课题组)。面向国家重大能源战略需求和国际科学与技术前沿,围绕固体氧化物燃料电池、二次电池等的关键科学问题开展原创性应用基础研究和关键共性技术研究。目前以第一负责人承担和完成科研项目7项(国家级2项,省部级3项,横向2项),以第一作者或通讯作者发表高水平论文10余篇,以唯一作者出版英文专著1部,在会议做学术发表16次(其中国际会议5次,邀请报告3次),学术获奖6次,受到官方媒体采访报道2次,相关研究成果受到了学术界、工业界的一致认可。招生专业:博士生招生专业:化学工程与技术 (学术学位,专业代码081700,学制4年)化学工程 (专业学位,专业代码085602,学制4年)硕士生招生专业:工业催化(学术学位,专业代码081705,学制3年)化学工程(专业学位,专业代码085602,05方向 催化化工,学制3年)主持科研项目:(1) Improved oxide-ion conductivity by substitution in Dion-Jacobson phase, 日本文部科学省, 2021-2023(2) Discovery of Dion–Jacobson type oxide-ion conductors, 日本村田学术振兴财团, 2021-2022(3) Crystal Structure Analysis and Oxide-Ion Diffusion Paths of Dion-Jacobson type Oxide-ion Conductors, 日本核能研究所,2022-2023(4) Crystal structure analysis of hexagonal perovskite related oxide-ion conductors from high resolution X-ray diffraction, 日本高能加速器研究机构, 2021-2023(5) Discovery of a new oxide-ion conductor and structure origin of the high oxide-ion conductivity, 日本德山科学技术振兴财团, 2022-2023(6) 混合阴离子化合物的研究,中央高校基本科研业务费引进人才专项,2023-2024代表性论著:(1) Zhang, W., Fujii, K., Niwa, E., Hagihala, M., Kamiyama, T., & Yashima, M. (2020). Oxide-ion conduction in the Dion–Jacobson phase CsBi2Ti2NbO10−δ. Nature communications, 11(1), 1224. (Editor's highlight)(2) Zhang, W., Fujii, K., Ishiyama, T., Kandabashi, H., & Yashima, M. (2020). Dion–Jacobson-type oxide-ion conductor CsLa2Ti2NbO10−δ without phase transitions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(47), 25085-25093. (Hot paper)(3) Zhang, W. (2022). Oxide-Ion Conduction in the Dion–Jacobson-Type Layered Perovskites. Springer Nature.(4) Zhang, W., & Yashima, M. (2023). Recent developments in oxide ion conductors: focusing on Dion–Jacobson phases. (2023) Chemical Communications.59(2), 134-152. (Cover)(5) Zhang, W., & Yashima, M. (2022). Improved oxide-ion conductivity by substitution of Sr for Bi in Dion-Jacobson phase CsBi2Ti2NbO10. Ceramics International, 48(12), 16522-16528.(6) Zhang, W., Shiraiwa, M., Wang, N., Ma, T., Fujii, K., Niwa, E., & Yashima, M. (2018). Pr/Ba cation-disordered perovskite Pr2/3Ba1/3CoO3−δ as a new bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 126(10), 814-819.(7) Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Gao, L., & Ma, T. (2016). Double Perovskite Material as An Electrode for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Application. Progress in Chemistry, 28(6), 961.(8) Zhang, W., Ishiyama, T., Kishimoto, H., & Yamaji, K. (2021). Conductivity Degradation of Transition Metal (Mn, Fe, Co) Doped Yttria Stabilized Zirconia by Phase Transformation. ECS Transactions, 103(1), 2253.(9) Zhang, W., Fujii, K., & Yashima, M. (2021). Crystal structure analysis of Dion-Jacobson type oxide-ion conductors from high resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Photon Factory Activity Report, 390(10) Zhang, W., Fujii, K., & Yashima, M. (2019). Discovery of a New Oxide-ion Conductor Dion–Jacobson Type CsBi2Ti2NbO10−δ and Structure Origin of the High Oxide-ion Conductivity, MLF Annual Report, 1: 15-17.(11) Zhao, S., Chen, C., Li, H., & Zhang, W. (2021). Theoretical insights into the diffusion mechanism of alkali ions in Ruddlesden–Popper antiperovskites. New Journal of Chemistry, 45(9), ...
- 2009.9 -- 2014.6大连理工大学 , 材料 , Bachelor's Degree
- 2014.10 -- 2016.9九州工业大学 , 绿色电子 , Master's Degree
- 2017.4 -- 2020.3东京工业大学 , 化学 , Doctoral Degree
- 2021.4 -- 2023.1东京工业大学 , 助理教授
- 2020.4 -- 2021.3东京产业技术综合研究所 , 特别研究员
Address: No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, P.R.C., 116024