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主要任职:Professor in Process Mechanics





学科:制造工艺力学. 工程力学. 计算力学




其他联系方式Other Contact Information

电话/传真 : 0411-84708432

Email : zhangz@dlut.edu.cn


个人简介Personal Profile

张昭,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。2012年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;2014年入选大连理工大学星海优青人才培育计划;2019年入选大连市高端人才;2021年入选教育部课程思政教学名师;2021-2025年担任中国有色金属学会先进焊接与连接专业委员会委员;2024年获中国中车科学技术奖三等奖。发表期刊论文200余篇,专著1部,主编及参编教材10余部,授权发明专利/实用新型专利/软件著作权20余件,SCI他引1700余次,2次获得由Elsevier出版社颁发的Journal of Materials Processing Technology杂志高引论文奖、2次获得大连市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖、获第五届中国科协优秀科技论文遴选计划优秀论文。Best Reviewer Award 2022 (Journal of Central South University)、Best Reviewer Award 2023 (Journal of Central South University)、《电焊机》杂志优秀审稿专家(2021)、《人工晶体学报》2022年度“十佳审稿人”。




2009.1-2009.4,visiting scientist, Pennsylvania State University, US;




研究生吴奇获2015年国家奖学金、2015年硕士学术之星 ,美国Brigham Young University联合培养








研究生姚欣欣获2021年国家奖学金,美国University of Michigan-Dearborn联合培养




研究生李健宇获2022年国家奖学金,意大利Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II 联合培养;











  1. Z. Zhang, J.Y. Chen, J.C. Guo, J.R. Li. The compatible design of wave controlling metamaterial with multi-layers, Solid State Communications, 2024, 394: 115684.

  2. L.C. Zhang, J.Y. Chen, X. Gao, F.Y. Niu, Z. Zhang. Gas-particle-heat dynamic coupling simulation in directed energy deposition. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 275: 109302.

  3. Z. Zhang, C.K. Liu, Z.L. Yu, J.Y. Li. The fabrication of brass reinforced aluminum matrix composites by FSW, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 31: 3383-3392.

  4. L. Zhang, J.R. Li, J.C. Guo, Z. Zhang. Band gap design of beam-supported phononic crystal by regulation and control of beam bending stiffness, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2024, 12: 1649–1658.

  5. S.N. Kong, Z.L. Yu, X.Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang. Coupling strengthening mechanism of precipitate and solute atoms in edge dislocation motion of Al-Mg-Si alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 30: 134-145.

  6. Z. Zhang, H.S. Zhou, Z.J. Tan, D.S. Kong, Y.F. Wang. The simulation of microstructural evolutions in friction stir additive manufacturing, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2024, 238(8) 1233-1244.

  7. J.R. Li, J.C. Guo, Z. ZhangEnhanced energy localization and harvesting by design of phononic crystal defects, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2024, 38(19): 2450244.

  8. J.C. Guo, J. R. Li, H Y Wang, Z Y Dong, Z Zhang. High strength induced wide band gap formations in additively manufactured cubic metamaterial, Smart Materials and Structures, 2024, 33: 075019.

  9. X. Gao, L.C. Zhang, Z. Zhang. Compatibility of tool geometry and process parameters in powder bed fusion, Computational Particle Mechanics, 2024.

  10. L.C. Zhang, X. Gao, Z. Zhang. Simulation of powder transportation in directed energy deposition, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 133:2345–2362.

  11. 柳占宇,于德壮,杨帆,李冬园,张威,张昭. 动力集中动车组车体司机室结构优化设计. 机械科学与技术,2024, 43(2):312-317.

  12. 李雯,刘其鹏,高月华,楚锡华,张昭,王振军. 基于离散元法的SLM刮刀倾角对粉末铺展行为的影响研究,力学学报,2024, 56(03): 774-784.

  13. 于德壮,柳占宇,张威,张昭. 基于拓扑优化的动集车小排障器安装座疲劳设计,计算机辅助工程,2024.

  14. 张昭,王彬滨,任大鑫,李健宇. 基于分区表征的异质金属搅拌摩擦焊接残余变形的数值模拟,塑性工程学报,2024.

  15. 王艺飞,陈静远,张昭. 基于晶粒形貌的增材制造力学行为数值模拟,计算力学学报,2024.

  16. 张昭,刘富翰,王艺飞,李健宇,张新宇. 镁合金搅拌摩擦焊接微观结构-力学性能的关联性,兵器材料科学与工程,2024.

  17. Z. Zhang, Y.F. Wang, Z.J. Tan, D.X. Ren. Integrated modelling of microstructure-property-distortion relationship in friction stir additive manufacturing, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2023, 46(11): 1145–1163.

  18. Xinxin Yao, Yaohong Xiao, Zhuo Wang, Zhao Zhang, Wayne Cai, Yangbing Zeng, Lei Chen. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of microstructure evolution and debonding in water-based cathode electrode drying, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 321: 118154.

  19. J.Y. Li, X.C. Qiu, S.N. Kong, Z. Zhang. Molecular dynamics simulation of interaction between edge dislocations and stable β phase precipitates in aluminum alloy, Physica Status Solidi B, 2023, 260(11): 2300246.

  20. Daxin Ren, Xianli Ba, Zhaodong Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Kunmin Zhao, Liming Liu. Wire arc additive manufacturing of porous metal using welding pore defects, Materials & Design, 2023, 233: 112213.

  21. Ronghao Han, Daxin Ren, Zhao Zhang, Gang Song. Study on improving the formability of AA6061-T6 alloy by surface FSP, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 128: 1815–1827.

  22. S.N. Kong, J.Y. Li, Z. Zhang. Molecular dynamics simulation of solution strengthening of Si and Cu atoms in aluminum alloy, Physica Status Solidi B, 2023, 260(9): 2300108.

  23. S.N. Kong, Q.F. Liu, Z. Zhang. Mechanism on material strengthening of metastable precipitate and edge dislocation in AlMgSi alloy, Physica Status Solidi B, 2023, 260(6): 2200478.

  24. Z. Zhang, Z.J. Tan, Y.F. Wang, D.X. Ren, J.Y. Li. The relationship between microstructures and mechanical properties in friction stir lap welding of titanium alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 296: 127251.

  25. Z. Zhang. A review on additive manufacturing of wave controlling metamaterial, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,  2023, 124: 647–680.

  26. P. Ge, Z. Zhang, F.Y. Niu, J.Q. Chen, W.W. Liu, Z.M. Liu. Substrate design-based control of the residual distortion in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2023, 46(1): 22-42.

  27. 王松,李冬园,张威,张昭. 动集车司机室结构拓扑优化设计,机械设计,2023.

  28. 王肇凯,刘云鹏,王艺飞,李加瑞,张昭. 基于拓扑优化设计的动力集中动车组车体变压器梁优化与减重,铁道机车车辆,2023, 43(5): 38-43.

  29. Y.F. Wang, J.C. Guo, Z. Zhang. The influence of printing accuracy on the performance of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg phononic crystals, Physica Scripta, 2022, 97: 125707.

  30. Hao Shi, Tao Wu, Qing Gong, Wenjin Ding, Yan Chai, Alfons Weisenburger, Litao Chang, Zhao Zhang, Kangli Wang, Julia Richter, Thomas Niendorf, Georg Müller. Hot corrosion behavior of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L and Inconel 718 in MgCl2/KCl/NaCl chloride salts at 700 , Corrosion Science, 2022, 207: 110561.

  31. X.X. Yao, X. Gao, Z. Zhang. Three-dimensional microstructure evolution of Ti–6Al–4V during multi-layer printing: a phase-field simulation, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 20: 934-949.

  32. X.X. Yao, Z. Zhang. Laser-particle interaction-based heat source model of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing, Optics and Laser Technology, 2022, 155: 108402.

  33. J.Y. Li, Z. Zhang, D.X. Ren, W. Zhang, Z.J. Tan. The experimental and numerical studies on load bearing capacity in lamellar tearing of friction stir lap weld, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 271: 108609.

  34. J.Y. Li, S.N. Kong, C.K. Liu, B.B. Wang, Z. Zhang. Chemical composition effect on microstructures and mechanical properties in friction stir additive manufacturing, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2022, 35: 1494–1508.

  35. Z. Zhang, P. Ge, J.Y. Li, D.X. Ren, T. Wu. Monte Carlo simulations of solidification and solid-state phase transformation during directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 7:671–682.

  36. J.R. Li, J.C. Guo, Z. Zhang. The wave attenuations in phononic crystals based on unit cell and supercell relationship, Modern Physics Letters B, 2022, 36(14): 2250077.

  37. Y.F. Wang, J.C. Guo, Z. Zhang. The deformation induced tunable topology in controlling of band gap characteristics for stepped phononic crystals, Solid State Communications, 2022, 351: 114809.

  38.  H. Jing, P. Ge., Z. Zhang, J.Q. Chen, Z.M. Liu, W.W. Liu. Numerical studies of the effects of the substrate structure on the residual stress in laser directed energy additive manufacturing of thin-walled products, Metals, 2022, 12, 462.

  39. X. Gao, X.X. Yao, F.Y. Niu, Z. Zhang. The influence of nozzle geometry on powder flow behaviors in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, Advanced Powder Technology, 2022, 33(3): 103487.

  40. J.C. Guo, Z. Zhang. Mass inertia moment-based design of band gap characteristics in zigzag beam-supported stepped phononic crystals, Applied Physics A, 2022, 128: 126.

  41. Z.J. Tan, Z. Zhang. Band gap characteristics of friction stir additive manufactured phononic crystals, Physica Scripta, 2022, 97: 025702.

  42. J.C. Guo, J.R. Li, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang. Wide range of wave attenuation in beam-supported stepped hybrid phononic crystals, Wave Motion, 2022, 108: 102827.

  43. Z. Zhang, Y.F. Wang, P. Ge. T. Wu. A Review on Modelling and Simulation of Laser Additive Manufacturing: Heat Transfer, Microstructure Evolutions and Mechanical Properties, Coatings, 2022, 12: 1277.

  44. 柳占宇,项盼,王松,杨帆,徐德山,韩鹏飞,高翔,张昭. 基于累积损伤的减振器座梁寿命分析,铁道机车车辆,2022,42(4): 102-107.(论文入选2023年铁路重大科技创新成果库)

  45. 杨帆,柴学彬,高翔,张昭. 动车组动力车减振器座及焊缝疲劳寿命评估,中国铁道科学,2022, 43(04): 113-120.

  46. 张昭,李健宇,张威,谭治军. 化学成分对Al-Mg-Si系铝合金搅拌摩擦增材制造力学性能的影响,塑性工程学报,2022, 29(4): 97-103.

  47. 郭充,王佥,韩鹏飞,李加瑞,王艺飞,张昭. CEA3A1型交流客运电力机车车体疲劳评估,机车电传动,2022, (1): 91-97.

  48. Zi-jue Tang, Wei-wei Liu, Li-na Zhu, Zhi-chao Liu, Zhao-rui Yan, Dong Lin, Zhao Zhang, Hong-Chao Zhang. Investigation on coaxial visual characteristics of molten pool in laser-based directed energy deposition of AISI 316L steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 290: 116996.

  49. J.Y. Li, X.X. Yao, Y.F. Wang, X. Gao, Z. Zhang. The simulation of post-heat treatment in selective laser melting additive manufacturing, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 2021, 10: 413-428.

  50. X.X. Yao, J.Y. Li, Y.F. Wang, X. Gao, T. Li, Z. Zhang. Experimental and numerical studies of nozzle effect on powder flow behaviors in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 210: 106740.

  51. X.X. Yao, J.Y. Li, Y.F. Wang, X. Gao, Z. Zhang. Numerical simulation of powder effect on solidification in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, Transactions of Nonferrous Society of China, 2021, 31(9): 2871-2884.

  52. J.C. Guo, J.R. Li, Z. Zhang. Interface design of low-frequency band gap characteristics in stepped hybrid phononic crystals, Applied Acoustics, 2021, 182: 108209.

  53. Z.J. Tan, J.Y. Li, Z. Zhang, Experimental and numerical studies on fabrication of nanoparticle reinforced aluminum matrix composites by friction stir additive manufacturing, Journal of Materials Research & Technology, 2021, 12: 1898-1912.

  54. Z. Zhang, P. Ge, J.Y. Li, Y.F. Wang, X. Gao, X.X. Yao. Laser particle interaction-based analysis of powder particle effects on temperatures and distortions in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2021, 44(9): 1068–1095.

  55. 柳占宇,于德壮,李加瑞,王艺飞,张昭. 基于拓扑和几何尺寸优化的动力集中动车组牵引梁减重优化设计,中国铁道科学,2021, 42(6): 122-129.

  56. 张昭,张磊,郭江川,姚欣欣,谭治军. 声子晶体增材制造的研究进展,电焊机,2021, 51(8): 11-22.

  57. 刘伟嵬,王怡文,王灏,唐梓珏,张昭. 不同工作模式下激光熔化沉积过程熔池演变数值研究,大连理工大学学报,2021, 61(4): 344-354.

  58. 吴涛,张昭,王冲,张恺. 打印角度对SLM增材制造Al250C铝合金的残余应力影响分析,材料研究与应用,2021, 15(4): 334-340.

  59. Z.J. Tang, W.W. Liu, Y.W. Wang, K.M. Saleheen, Z.C. Liu, S.T. Peng, Z. Zhang, H.C. Zhang. A review on in situ monitoring technology for directed energy deposition of metals, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 108: 3437–3463.

  60. Z. Zhang, Z.J. Tan, J.Y. Li, Y.F. Zu, J.J. Sha. Integrated modeling of process-microstructure-property relations in friction stir additive manufacturing, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2020, 33: 75-87.

  61. Z. Zhang, W.W. Jin. Finite element modelling of the shaped charge jet and design of the reusable perforating gun, Petroleum Science, 2020, 17: 1389-1399.

  62. X.X. Yao, P. Ge, J.Y. Li, Y.F. Wang, T. Li, W.W. Liu, Z. Zhang. Controlling the solidification process parameters of direct energy deposition additive manufacturing considering laser and powder properties, Computational Materials Science, 2020, 182: 109788.

  63. X.K. Han, Z. Zhang. Bandgap design of three-phase phononic crystal by topological optimization, Wave Motion, 2020, 93: 102496.

  64. X.K. Han, Z. Zhang. Acoustic beam controlling in water by the design of phononic crystal, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020, 34: 100602.

  65. Z. Zhang, P. Ge, X.X. Yao, T. Li, W.W. Liu. Numerical studies of residual states and scaling effects in laser-directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 108: 1233–1247.

  66. Z. Zhang, P. Ge, T. Li, L.-E. Lindgren, W.W. Liu, G.Z. Zhao, X. Guo. Electromagnetic wave-based analysis of laser–particle interactions in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 34: 101284.

  67. Z. Zhang, X.X. Yao, P. Ge. Phase-field-model-based analysis of the effects of powder particle on porosities and densities in selective laser sintering additive manufacturing, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 166: 105230.

  68. J.Y. Li, X.X. Yao, Z. Zhang. Physical model based on data-driven analysis of chemical composition effects of friction stir welding, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020, 29: 6591–6604.

  69. 张昭. 登山小鲁,锐意创新——人工周期性结构材料的波控制[J]. 人工晶体学报, 2020, 49(09): 1764.(封面故事)

  70. 张昭,白小溪,李健宇. 基于大数据驱动的焊接接头力学性能预测,电焊机,2020, 50(4): 75-78.

  71. 张昭,谭治军,李健宇,苑红磊,刘伟嵬. 铝合金搅拌摩擦搭接焊温度-再结晶-析出相-力学性能一体化数值模拟,机械工程学报,2020, 56(6): 213-220.

  72. 李加瑞,于子平,郭江川,韩星凯,张昭. 火箭被动减振结构—C型弹簧的设计,弹箭与制导学报,2020, 40(6): 26-29.

  73. 苑红磊,谭治军,张昭. 基于微观结构—力学行为一体化计算的搅拌摩擦焊接数值模拟,塑性工程学报,2020, 27(2): 182-191.

  74. L.-E. Lindgren, J. Edberg, P. Åkerström, Z. Zhang. Modeling of thermal stresses in low alloy steels, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2019, 42: 725-743.

  75. Z.Q. Zhang, H.L. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, G.G. Cheng, X.D. Wang, J.N. Ding. Anisotropic interfacial properties between monolayered black phosphorus and water, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 475: 857-862.

  76. X.K. Han, Z. Zhang. Topological optimization of phononic crystal thin plate by a genetic algorithm. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 8331.

  77. Z. Zhang, Z.J. Tan, J.Y. Li, Y.F. Zu, W.W. Liu, J.J. Sha. Experimental and numerical studies of re-stirring and re-heating effects on mechanical properties in friction stir additive manufacturing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104: 767–784.

  78. Z. Zhang, G.M. Ji, X.K. Han. Optimization design of a novel zigzag lattice phononic crystal with holes, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, 33: 1950124.

  79. Z. Zhang, Z.J. Tan, X.X. Yao, C.P. Hu, P. Ge, Z.Y. Wan, J.Y. Li, Q. Wu. Numerical methods for microstructural evolutions in laser additive manufacturing, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2019, 78: 2296-2307.

  80. Z. Zhang, Z.J. Tan. A multi scale strategy for simulation of microstructural evolutions in friction stir welding of duplex titanium alloy, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2019, 38: 485-497.

  81. P. Ge, Z. Zhang, Z.J. Tan, C.P. Hu, G.Z. Zhao, X. Guo. An integrated modeling of process-structure-property relationship in laser additive manufacturing of duplex titanium alloy, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 140: 329-343.

  82. 葛芃,张昭,张少颜,赵国忠. 圆环构件增材制造残余应力模拟及尺寸效应分析,塑性工程学报,2019, 26(5): 249-255.

  83. 张昭,李健宇,谭治军. 合金成分变化对搅拌摩擦焊接力学性能的影响,兵器材料科学与工程,2019, 42(4): 1-6.

  84. 张昭,谭治军,李健宇,祖宇飞. 搅拌摩擦增材制造的微观结构力学性能一体化数值模拟,航空制造工艺,2019, 62(1-2): 14-18.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
    2007.3 至今
    • 大连理工大学
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 声子晶体设计与优化
  • 搅拌摩擦焊接数值模拟
  • 增材制造工艺数值模拟
  • 运载火箭力学环境预示
  • 机车结构及疲劳