
- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:电气工程学院
- 学科:电力电子与电力传动
- 办公地点:创新园大厦B405室
- 联系方式:0411-84706009-2405
- 电子邮箱:dongwj@dlut.edu.cn
[81] 栗峥, 董维杰.Position and force self-sensing piezoelectric valve with hysteresis compensation[J],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES,2022
[82] Liu, Mengwei, Cui, Tianhong, 董维杰, 崔岩, 王兢, 杜立群, 王立鼎.Piezoelectric microcantilevers with two PZT thin-film elements for microsensors and microactuators[A],IEEE International Conference of Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular
[83] 马晓红, 董维杰, Ding, Xiaoyan, Mang, Peng, 崔岩.Piezoelectric self-sensing actuator for beam vibration control based on blind source separation[J],FERROELECTRICS,2022,358(1 PART 4):911-+
[84] 崔岩, 董维杰, Liu, Mengwei, Wang, Minriu, 王敬, 王晓东, 王立鼎.Preliminary study of calibration system for PZT thin film micro force sensor[J],FERROELECTRICS,2022,358(1 PART 4):904-+
[85] 崔岩, Zhao, Jiaxin, Zhang, Lvquan, Xia, Jinsong, 董维杰, 王立鼎.Preparation and Properties of Pb1-xSrx (Zr0.53Ti0.47) O3 Thin Films by Sol-Gel Method[J],FERROELECTRICS,2022,405(1):255-261
[86] 杜立群, Lv, Y., 董维杰, Gao, X.G..Preparation and properties of PZT bimorph on metal substrate by hydrothermal method[J],KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2022,329:619-624
[87] 杜立群, 高晓光, 董维杰, 吕岩.PZT压电薄膜无阀微泵的制备工艺及实验研究[J],压电与声光,2022,4:492-494
[88] 王大志, 吕景明, 郁风, 董维杰, 梁军生, 任同群.PZT厚膜的电射流沉积研究[J],传感器技术,2022,2:19-22
[89] Shi, Lu, 张悦, 董维杰.Research on the Relationship Between the Curvature and the Sensitivity of Curved PVDF sensor[A],9th International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and
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[90] 徐永洁, 董维杰, 白凤仙, 肖磊.Rosen型压电变压器反接降压特性研究[J],压电与声光,2022,6:712-714,717
[91] 白凤仙, 董维杰.Rosen型压电变压器并联联接的电气特性分析[A],第二届全国压电和声波理论及器件技术研讨会,2022,1
[92] 白凤仙, 董维杰.Rosen型压电变压器的并联特性仿真[J],系统仿真学报,2022,23:5536-5539,5586
[93] Cui, Yuguo, Zeng, Qiyong, 董维杰, Sun, Baoyuan.Self-sensing compounding control of piezoceramic micro-motion worktable based on integrator[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,1:5209-+
[94] Wu, Yinshuang, Wang, Shidan, 王越, 刘刚, Sun, Xiaoxin, Shujing, Chen, Xixi, 董维杰, Xu, Zhongyang, Jian, Yuli, Chunyan, 张琳, Wei, Anwen, 于晓.ST3Gal IV Mediates the Growth and Proliferation of Cervical Cancer Cells In Vitro and In Vivo Via th[J],FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY,2022,10
[95] Huang, Jian-Qiu, Qing-An, Qin, Ming, 董维杰, Chen, Xiaowei.Strain Effect of the Dielectric Constant in Silicon Dioxide[J],JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS,2022,19(6):1521-1523
[96] 喻言, 王杨, 董维杰, Jin, Yajing, 欧进萍.Strain properties analysis and wireless collection system of PVDF for structural local health moni[A],2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in
[97] Lu, Xiaoguang, 董维杰, 王兢, Liu, Mengwei, 崔岩.Study on contact microforce measurement based on piezoelectric PZT thin film[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,2:8407-+
[98] 喻言, 刘航, 高庆华, 巢明, 董维杰.量大面广的“传感器网络技术”课程教学体系与考核方式研究[J],物联网技术,2022,9:38-39,43
[99] 董维杰, 崔岩, 王兢.铁电薄膜电滞回线测量的快速数值补偿方法研究[J],电子学报,2022,11:2557-2560
[100] 白凤仙, 包华宇, 董维杰, 孙建忠.阵列式压电俘能拓宽频带的研究[J],压电与声光,2022,5:695-703