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Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Alma Mater:北京师范大学
Degree:Master's Degree
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Methane estimation of food waste in Chinese household and environmental benefits from an energy perspective

Hits : Praise

Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2015-09-18

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S

Page Number:417-422

Key Words:food waste; climate change; methane; bio-gas; China

Abstract:As the necessity material to the survival of humans, food is the carrier of nutrition, water resources, land resources and greenhouse gas. However, resource shortage along with food waste analysis of the environmental impact of food waste is of great significance. Based on CHNS survey data, the amount of food waste in nine representative Chinese provinces was calculated. On the basis of the existing domestic research, the theoretical amount of greenhouse gas emissions from food waste after complete fermentation was estimated, and the environmental benefit of food waste recycling was evaluated. The results showed that the theoretical CH4 production per kilogram food waste after complete fermentation was 0.68 m(3), which could save an equivalent amount of 8.45 x 106 tyr(-1) of standard coal. In seven years, the total average annual CO2 emission reduction was 2.25 x 10(7) tyr(-1), and for SO2, it was 2.53 x 105 tyr(-1).