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- [21]梁延德, 张红哲.Study on process parameters affecting thegeometry of micro-stripe array during Nd:YAG pulsed lase...[A],2015
- [22]shu Liming, 梁延德, He Fuben, 张红哲.Effects of Chemical Properties and Roughness on Anisotropic Wetting[J],Materials Transactions,2015,56(1):149-153
- [23]梁延德, 魏剑宇, 何福本, 陈冬.超声波近场悬浮稳定性提高方法与实验研究[J].[J],机械设计与制造,2015,11:45-49
- [24]Shu Liming, Liang Yande, He Fuben, Zhang Hongzhe, Liang, YD (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Mech Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Effects of Chemical Properties and Roughness on Anisotropic Wetting Observed on Machined Surfac...[J],MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS,2015,56(1):149-153
- [25]梁延德.Experimental study of contact angle hysteresison micro periodic grooved surface by laser beam mac...[A],2015
- [26]张红哲, 梁延德, 戴明华.Teaching Reform of Engineering Training to Cultivate Engineering Talents[A],2015
- [27]梁延德, 王松婵, 吴卓平, 张红哲.高等工程实践教育研究热点及变迁分析[J],中国大学教学,2014,9:86-91
- [28]梁延德, 舒利明, 夏恒, 何福本.电解制备同轴微细电极组件偏心误差的分析与修正研究[J],电加工与模具,2014,4:24-27
- [29]He, Fuben, Zhang, Haohan, Bortoletto, Roberto, Liang, Yande, Pagello, Enrico.Adaptive Design and Control of a Robot-Assisted Lower Back Exoskeletal Spine System[A],2014,302:1503-1513
- [30]何福本, 梁延德, 孙捷夫, 郭超, He, F., Dalian University of TechnologyChina.基于SEA的机器人仿肌弹性驱动关节研究[J],中国机械工程,2014,25(7):900-905
- [31]梁延德, 张红哲.高等工程实践教育研究热点及变迁可视化分析[J],中国大学教学,2014,86-91
- [32]梁延德.Experimental study of effect of machining surface roughness on wetting characteristics[A],2014,94-99
- [33]梁延德, 郭超, 王治雄, 何福本, 孙捷夫.大型复杂曲面工件的重心倾测方法研究[J],组合机床与自动化加工技术,2013,12:1-3
- [34]鲍永杰, 高航, 梁延德, 朱国平, Bao, Y.-J.(byj@dlut.edu.cn).碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料钻削温度场建模与试验[J],兵工学报,2013,34(7):846-852
- [35]段春争, 王殿龙, 崔岩, 梁延德.基于“独立制造岛”概念的柔性制造实践教学系统的建设[J],中国现代教育装备,2013,13:35-37
- [36]王续跃, 胡辉, 梁延德, 徐文骥, Wang, X., Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, 116023, China.钛合金小孔电火花加工有限元仿真研究[J],中国机械工程,2013,24(13):1738-1742,1748
- [37]陈葆娟, 梁延德, 何福本.熔融沉积成形试件翘曲成因的分析与优化[J],电加工与模具,2012,4:33-36
- [38]He, Fuben, Pagello, Enrico, Liang, Yande, Zhang, Haohan.Modeling, Dynamics and Control of an Extended Elastic Actuator in Musculoskeletal Robot System[A],2012,194(VOL. 2):671-+
- [39]唐勇超, 梁延德.翻转法测量工件重心技术研究[J],机械研究与应用,2012,2:44-46
- [40]孙天夫, 李哲, 罗婧, 梁延德.包含新型机构的仿水黾机器人设计及实现[J],机电工程,2012,29(1):38-41