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An Element-free Galerkin Scaled Boundary Method for Stress Intensity Factors and Higher Order Terms


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2012-11-02

Page Number:42-42

Key Words:Scaled boundary method;Element-free Galerkin method;Stress intensity factors;Higher order terms

Abstract:This study applies a new Element-free Galerkin scaled boundary method (EFG-SBM) to determine the stress intensity factors (SIFs) and higher order terms.The SBM is an accurate semi-analytical method originally developed by Wolf and Song.The solution of SBM is obtained in the form of a truncated power series expansion.When the scaling centre is located at the tip of a crack,the SIFs and higher order terms can be directly obtained from the solution of SBM without any special crack tip treatment.Unlike the conventional scaled boundary finite element method,in this paper an EFG approach is used in the circumferential direction of scaled boundary model.The EFG method offers high accuracy,rapid convergence and smooth stress solutions without post-processing,and no mesh generation is required.The proposed method is verified through numerical examples comparing the new approach with analytical,reference and conventional scaled boundary FEM solutions.

Pre One:非均质材料瞬态热传导时域自适应等效分析

Next One:Determination of coefficients of crack tip asymptotic fields by an element-free Galerkin scaled boundary method