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A piecewise partitioning Scaled Boundary Finite Element algorithm to solve viscoelastic problems with cyclic symmetry


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus


Page Number:120-+

ISSN No.:0955-7997

Key Words:Viscoelasticity; Cyclic symmetry; SBFEM; Computational expense

Abstract:Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM) and a temporally adaptive algorithm are combined to solve viscoelastic problems. By expanding variables at a discretized time interval, a spatially and temporally coupled viscoelastic problem is decoupled into a series of recursive spatial problems, which are solved by SBFEM, the computing accuracy in the time domain is controlled via a self-adaptive process. For the cyclic symmetric structures, the cyclic symmetry is exploited to reduce the computational expense of SBFEM, both the eigenvalue and system equations of SBFEM are partitioned into a number of smaller independent problems, which are solved by a partitioning algorithm. Two numerical examples are given to verify and illustrate the proposed approach.

Pre One:Solving viscoelastic problems by combining SBFEM and a temporally piecewise adaptive algorithm

Next One:Numerical analysis of static and dynamic stabilities of viscoelastic columns