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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-28

Journal:Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics



Page Number:352-365

ISSN No.:0254-7805

Key Words:"surrounding rock and linings; coupling analysis; asymptotic loading; temporally adaptive algorithm; finite element"

CN No.:42-1250/O3

Abstract:This study focuses on the interaction between linings and the surrounding rock,which is an important issue for safety analysis of tunnel structure.The effects of unreleased stress/displacement of rock and the impact of excavation are equivalently approximated as a kind of load varying with time asymptotically, and a finite element-temporally piecewise adaptive algorithm is presented for the coupling analysis of rock and linings with viscoelastic deformation.The variation of the whole interaction process with time is considered to be asymptotic,instead of instantaneous;and the process is divided into three stages by the excavation time and implementation time of primary and secondary linings.The computing domain changes at each stage,and the compatible conditions at the joints between different stages are proposed.A temporally-piecewise variable-separation technique and an adaptive computing process are employed in the proposed algorithm.By expanding all variables in a discretized time interval,a coupled spatial and temporal problem is decoupled into a series of spatial problems which are recursively solved by the FEM.By virtue of an adaptive computing process,steady computing accuracy of the displacement solution can be achieved with different step sizes.In addition,a numerical model is provided to determine the parameters with respect to the asymptotic load by solving an inverse problem of identification.Numerical examples are provided to verify the proposed approaches,and a good agreement is observed between the reference solutions given by the stress release method and the solutions by Abaqus.The proposed approach is a new effective mean for the coupling analysis of an asymptotic interaction process of rock and linings with viscoelastic deformation,which can provide an estimation of the structural response of rock and linings,and hopefully,can be used to optimize the implementation time of linings in consideration of engineering requirement.


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