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Date of Publication:2011-01-01


Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部


Page Number:817-829

ISSN No.:1005-0930

Abstract:In order to avoid the negative effects on the computing accuracy caused by step-jump of effective heat capacity function in the effective heat capacity method, a Sigmoid function based smooth enthalpy function was presented, and a continuous and smooth effective heat capacity function could be obtained via the derivative of enthalpy respect to the temperature. This smoothed effective heat capacity function was combined with finite element and finite difference methods to model the heat transfer problem with phase change. The proposed numerical model was verified via numerical examples, and the impacts of grid density of finite element, the numerical integral scheme for heat capacity matrix and parameter relevant to Sigmoid function on the solutions were investigated. Satisfactory results were achieved in comparison with analytical solutions and averaging methods in previous work.


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