Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部
Page Number:1009-1017
ISSN No.:1007-7294
Abstract:Ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) is an efficient post-weld fatigue improvement technique, which applies mechanical impacts in combination with ultrasonic oscillations into welded joints and plastically deforms the weld toe, consequently introducing beneficial compressive residual stress in the region of the weld toe. In order to evaluate the effect of UIT on welding residual stress, a novel 3D numerical analysis approach including thermo-mechanical welding simulation and dynamic elastic-plastic FE analysis of ul-trasonic impact treatment process for welded joints was proposed. In the FE model, the actual process pa-rameters and ultrasonic-induced material softening, which was appropriately adjusted to fit experimental re-sults, were considered. The predicted residual stress distributions before and after UIT in the non-load-car-rying cruciform joints of AH36 shipbuilding high-strength steel were compared with experimental results,showing a fairly good agreement with each other. In addition, the influence of static preloads on the re-distribution of UIT-induced residual stress was also discussed.