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Date of Publication:2014-01-01



Page Number:687-693

ISSN No.:1007-4708

Abstract:A smoothing function technique is employed to smooth the 2-D bimodular constitutive model, and the initial stress method is used to solve FE equations of the 2-D forward bimodulur problem.Utili-zing the solution of forward problem,a continuous ant colony algorithm (ACA)based numerical model is developed to solve the 2-D inverse bimodulur problem with the consideration of regional inhomogeneity, and single/combined identification of tensional/compressive modulus and Poisson ratio is realized.The proposed approach is verified via two numerical tests,and the impacts of parameters relevant to ACA, locations of measurement points and noisy data are taken into account,respectively.Numerical verifica-tion indicates that the proposed algorithm can be used to deal with the 2-D inverse bimodulur problem effectively with fairly good computing accuracy.


Pre One:虚边界元法的应用及其求解方法

Next One:蚁群算法求解双弹性模量反问题