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Mid- and long term hydrologic forecasting for drainage area based on WNN and FRM


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2006-10-16

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Page Number:7-12

Key Words:mid- and long term hydrologic forecasting; FRM; WNN; forecast factors

Abstract:Mid- and long term hydrologic forecasting of drainage area is a difficult issue in engineering design and hydrological process simulation. Combined with wavelet neural network (WNN) to calculate and forecast the weight of model, fuzzy recognition model (FRM) is used to fit and predict mid- and long term hydrological phenomena, and the regression equation with correlation coefficient that more than 0.90 is adopted as fit equation to evaluate and verify this process. The result shows that this method is reasonable and simple, and it can be applied for forecasting work.

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