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Novel localized vibration-assisted magnetic abrasive polishing method using loose abrasives for V-groove and Fresnel optics finishing


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2018-04-30


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:11608-11619

ISSN No.:1094-4087

Abstract:This paper presents a new localized vibration-assisted magnetic abrasive polishing (VAMAP) method using loose abrasives for V-groove and Fresnel optics finishing. The purpose is to improve the surface quality while maintaining the form of the microfeatures. This method allows abrasives to access the corners of the microfeatures and remove materials locally and uniformly by effectively controlling the magnetic field and vibration which overcomes the limitations of previous research. By using loose abrasives, the method achieved nanometer level surface roughness and damage-free surface while maintaining the form of the microfeatures. The results show that the surface roughness was reduced to about 7 nm Ra from the initial value of over 10 nm Ra while the microfeatures of V-groove and Fresnel optics were well maintained. At the same time, the surface defects including voids, scratches as well as tool marks were clearly removed. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.

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