
Paper Publications

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  • First Author:


  • Correspondence Author:

    Liang Shuxiu,sunzhaochen

  • Date of Publication:


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  • Abstract:

    Based on the unstructured grid, finite?volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM), the hydrodynamic and temperature?salinity numerical model were established in Xiangshan Bay. The tidal current, wind, the solar radia?tion and river discharge were considered in the model. The comparison of the simulated results with the measured data about tide, tidal current, temperature and salinity showed that the model could simulate the hydrodynamic and the distribution of temperature?salinity structures. The co?tidal chart, the component tidal current ellipses were ob?tained from the result. The results show that the tide of Xiangshan Bay is mainly irregular semidiurnal shallow tide. The major axis of M2 tidal current component ellipse decreases from the mouth of the bay to the top and the direc?tion is parallel to the coastal line. The tidal current is rectilinear current in the fjord and rotary current at the outside of the bay mouth area. There are obvious temperature difference and salinity difference between the mouth and head of the bay. The temperature increases from the bay mouth to bay head and the salinity is just opposite. The vertical profile characteristic of temperature and salinity at different location in the fjord is different.

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